Structure • Usage • Sources • Contributing • License
A best-effort compilation of Apple's device identifiers, starting from the late 2000s. Everything in this repository is public domain (see UNLICENSE), so you can vendor any files you need without having to give credit.
If you notice something wrong or missing, please open an issue!
These files contain the mappings of name to ID. They're manually curated.
Generated JSON files containing all the data from the JSON files above.
A generated TypeScript module that makes it easy to use this data from Deno.
A Deno script that builds devices.json and mod.ts using the data in the devices directory. See #contributing.
As this project is public domain, you can vendor the JSON files you need, or request them from githubusercontent. No crediting is required, no license to add to a giant list.
There's also a TypeScript module generated for Deno. Because this repository is not versioned, you must always pin to a specific commit hash.
export * from "<COMMIT>/mod.ts";
import { devices, Identifier } from "./deps/devices.ts";
const id: Identifier = devices["iPad mini 3"];
Libraries should use AnyIdentifier
instead of Identifier
to allow any string
to be assigned, while still providing suggestions.
Read the documentation for information on the exported value and
To the best of my knowledge, there's no official list of identifiers, and even the products themselves don't always have canonical names. As a result, the data in this repository had to be gathered from a variety of sources.
- - a pretty good compilation, but the website is slow and can't be used in code.
- - a great resource to reference for mobile devices.
- - this page in the docs has IDs, but not all of them have descriptive product names.
- This Gist by @adamawolf - lists most mobile devices.
- Geekbench Browser - when new devices are released, reviewers tend to upload their scores.
- Xcode database files - Xcode includes databases of device traits (see below)
- Apple's "Identify your device" pages - Mac pages have identifiers, but they're not consistent.
- Various threads on Reddit - thanks, kind internet strangers!
These can be opened using the sqlite3 CLI, or a GUI like
DB Browser for SQLite. The table of interest is
find /Applications/ -name 'device_traits.db' 2>/dev/null
Always run the build
task before committing, or use watch
while making
deno task build # generate files
deno task watch # watch for changes
To add a new class of devices, just add a new JSON file to the devices folder.
Since I'm probably not the only one who needs this, I'm releasing this to the public domain.