This is a driver package for the WITHROBOT's myAHRS+ from|lilliputdirect and . The myAHRS+ is a low cost high performance AHRS(Attitude Heading Reference System) with USB/UART/I2C interface. The myAHRS+ board contains a 3-axis 16-bit gyroscope, a 3-axis 16-bit accelerometer and a 3-axis 13-bit magnetometer. The driver should also work with USB port.
The myAHRS+ board used NED type. The myahrs_driver contained in this package converts to the frame conventions of ROS (use the east north up (ENU) convention and right hand rule) before publishing the msgs. The driver use the coordinate frame below. Please see for more information.
x forward
y left
z up
NED type IMU: x-north, y-east, z-down, relative to magnetic north.
ENU type IMU: x-east, y-north, z-up, relative to magnetic north.
The original source (not support ROS) is maintained github below and tutorials are on the corresponding wiki page. A 3D visualization test like 3D-box is included in this original source. This package used the myAHRS+ SDK below.
This is a visualization demonstration using RViz.
Install the package:
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-myahrs-driver
Install the package from the github:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ~/catkin_ws && catkin_make
Run the driver like so:
rosrun myahrs_driver myahrs_driver _port:=/dev/ttyACM0
roslaunch myahrs_driver myahrs_driver.launch
Official ROS documentation can be found on the ROS wiki at:
The myAHRS+ protocol can be found here( The Forum for myAHRS+ user can be found here(