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spctl Specification


$ spctl [global flag] resource [resource flag] command [command flag]

Global Flags:

Flag Description
-v, --version Print the version information
-s, --server string Spider server URL (default "localhost:1024")
-h, --help Help for spctl

Resource Flags:

Flag Description
-h, --help Help for resource

Command Flags:


Flag Description
-h, --help Help for command
-d, --data string Input string data in JSON format


Flag Description
-c, --ConnectionName string Connection name
-h, --help Help for command


Flag Description
-c, --ConnectionName string Connection name
-n, --Name string Resource name
-h, --help Help for command


Flag Description
-n, --Name string Resource name
--force string Force flag (true/false) (default "false")
-h, --help Help for command

Resources and Commands:

Resource Command Description
all-cluster count Get the total number of Clusters across all connections.
list Retrieve a comprehensive list of all Clusters associated with a specific connection, including those mapped between CB-Spider and the CSP, only registered in CB-Spider's metadata, and only existing in the CSP.
all-connection count Get the total number of connections.
all-disk count Get the total number of Disks across all connections.
list Retrieve a comprehensive list of all Disks associated with a specific connection, including those mapped between CB-Spider and the CSP, only registered in CB-Spider's metadata, and only existing in the CSP.
all-keypair count Get the total number of KeyPairs across all connections.
list Retrieve a comprehensive list of all KeyPairs associated with a specific connection, including those mapped between CB-Spider and the CSP, only registered in CB-Spider's metadata, and only existing in the CSP.
all-myimage count Get the total number of MyImages across all connections.
list Retrieve a comprehensive list of all MyImages associated with a specific connection, including those mapped between CB-Spider and the CSP, only registered in CB-Spider's metadata, and only existing in the CSP.
all-nlb count Get the total number of Network Load Balancers (NLBs) across all connections.
list Retrieve a comprehensive list of all Network Load Balancers (NLBs) associated with a specific connection, including those mapped between CB-Spider and the CSP, only registered in CB-Spider's metadata, and only existing in the CSP.
all-resource destroy Deletes all resources associated with a specific cloud connection. This action is irreversible.
all-securitygroup count Get the total number of Security Groups across all connections.
list Retrieve a comprehensive list of all Security Groups associated with a specific connection, including those mapped between CB-Spider and the CSP, only registered in CB-Spider's metadata, and only existing in the CSP.
all-subnet count Get the total number of Subnets across all connections.
all-vm count Get the total number of Virtual Machines (VMs) across all connections.
list Retrieve a comprehensive list of all Virtual Machines (VMs) associated with a specific connection, including those mapped between CB-Spider and the CSP, only registered in CB-Spider's metadata, and only existing in the CSP.
all-vpc count Get the total number of VPCs across all connections.
list Retrieve a comprehensive list of all Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) associated with a specific connection, including those mapped between CB-Spider and the CSP, only registered in CB-Spider's metadata, and only existing in the CSP.
call any Execute a custom function (FID) with key-value parameters through AnyCall. Development Guide
check-health health Checks the health of CB-Spider service and its dependencies via /health endpoint. User Guide
check-healthcheck health Checks the health of CB-Spider service and its dependencies via /healthcheck endpoint. User Guide
check-ping health Checks the health of CB-Spider service and its dependencies via /ping endpoint. User Guide
check-readyz health Checks the health of CB-Spider service and its dependencies via /readyz endpoint. User Guide
cloudos list Retrieve a list of supported Cloud OS.
cloudos-metainfo get Retrieve metadata information for a specific Cloud OS.
cluster create Create a new Cluster with specified configurations. Concept Guide
delete Delete a specified Cluster.
get Retrieve details of a specific Cluster.
list Retrieve a list of Clusters associated with a specific connection.
register Register a new Cluster with the specified VPC and CSP ID.
unregister Unregister a Cluster with the specified name.
upgrade Upgrade a Cluster to a specified version.
cluster-by-connection count Get the total number of Clusters for a specific connection.
cluster-owner-vpc get Retrieve the owner VPC of a specified Cluster.
completion bash Generate the autocompletion script for bash.
connection create Create a new Connection Config. User Guide
delete Delete a specific Connection Config.
get Retrieve details of a specific Connection Config.
list Retrieve a list of registered Connection Configs.
connection-by-provider count Get the total number of connections for a specific provider.
credential get Retrieve details of a specific Credential.
list Retrieve a list of registered Credentials.
register Register a new Credential. User Guide
unregister Unregister a specific Credential.
csp-cluster delete Delete a specified CSP Cluster.
csp-disk delete Delete a specified CSP Disk.
csp-keypair delete Delete a specified CSP KeyPair.
csp-myimage delete Delete a specified CSP MyImage.
csp-nlb delete Delete a specified CSP Network Load Balancer (NLB).
csp-securitygroup delete Delete a specified CSP Security Group.
csp-subnet remove Remove an existing CSP Subnet from a VPC.
csp-vm get Retrieve details of a specific CSP Virtual Machine (VM).
terminate Terminate a specified CSP Virtual Machine (VM).
csp-vpc delete Delete a specified CSP Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
disk attach Attach an existing Disk to a VM.
create Create a new Disk with the specified configuration. Concept Guide, Snapshot-MyImage,Disk Guide
delete Delete a specified Disk.
detach Detach an existing Disk from a VM.
get Retrieve details of a specific Disk.
list Retrieve a list of Disks associated with a specific connection.
register Register a new Disk with the specified name, zone, and CSP ID.
unregister Unregister a Disk with the specified name.
disk-by-connection count Get the total number of Disks for a specific connection.
disk-size increase Increase the size of an existing disk.
driver get Retrieve details of a specific Cloud Driver.
list Retrieve a list of registered Cloud Drivers.
register Register a new Cloud Driver. User Guide
unregister Unregister a specific Cloud Driver.
upload Upload a Cloud Driver library file.
image get Retrieve details of a specific Public Image. User Guide
list Retrieve a list of Public Images associated with a specific connection. User Guide
keypair create Create a new KeyPair with the specified configurations. User Guide
delete Delete a specified KeyPair.
get Retrieve details of a specific KeyPair.
list Retrieve a list of KeyPairs associated with a specific connection.
register Register a new KeyPair with the specified name and CSP ID.
unregister Unregister a KeyPair with the specified name.
keypair-by-connection count Get the total number of KeyPairs for a specific connection.
myimage delete Delete a specified MyImage.
get Retrieve details of a specific MyImage.
list Retrieve a list of MyImages associated with a specific connection.
register Register a new MyImage with the specified name and CSP ID.
unregister Unregister a MyImage with the specified name.
myimage-by-connection count Get the total number of MyImages for a specific connection.
nlb create Create a new Network Load Balancer (NLB) with specified configurations. Concept Guide
delete Delete a specified Network Load Balancer (NLB).
get Retrieve details of a specific Network Load Balancer (NLB).
list Retrieve a list of Network Load Balancers (NLBs) associated with a specific connection.
register Register a new Network Load Balancer (NLB) with the specified name and CSP ID.
unregister Unregister a Network Load Balancer (NLB) with the specified name.
nlb-by-connection count Get the total number of Network Load Balancers (NLBs) for a specific connection.
nlb-owner-vpc get Retrieve the owner VPC of a specified Network Load Balancer (NLB).
nlb-vm add Add a new set of VMs to an existing Network Load Balancer (NLB).
remove Remove a set of VMs from an existing Network Load Balancer (NLB).
nodegroup add Add a new Node Group to an existing Cluster.
remove Remove an existing Node Group from a Cluster.
nodegroup-autoscaling set Enable or disable auto scaling for a Node Group in a Cluster.
nodegroup-scaling change Change the scaling settings for a Node Group in a Cluster.
org-region list Retrieve a list of Original Regions associated with a specific connection.
org-vm-spec get Retrieve details of a specific Original VM Spec.
list Retrieve a list of Original VM Specs associated with a specific connection.
org-zone list Retrieve a list of Original Zones associated with a specific connection.
preconfigured-original-org-region list Retrieve a list of pre-configured Original Regions based on driver and credential names.
price-info get Retrieve price details of a specific Product Family in a specific Region. Concept Guide, User Guide
product-family list Retrieve a list of Product Families associated with a specific connection and region.
region get Retrieve details of a specific Region.
list Retrieve a list of registered Regions.
register Register a new Region. User Guide
unregister Unregister a specific Region.
region-zone get Retrieve details of a specific Region Zone. User Guide
list Retrieve a list of Region Zones associated with a specific connection. User Guide
region-zone-preconfig get Retrieve details of a specific pre-configured Region Zone based on driver and credential names. User Guide
list Retrieve a list of pre-configured Region Zones based on driver and credential names. User Guide
rule add Add new rules to a Security Group.
remove Remove existing rules from a Security Group.
securitygroup create Create a new Security Group with specified rules and tags. Concept Guide, User Guide
delete Delete a specified Security Group.
get Retrieve details of a specific Security Group.
list Retrieve a list of Security Groups associated with a specific connection.
register Register a new Security Group with the specified name and CSP ID.
unregister Unregister a Security Group with the specified name.
securitygroup-by-connection count Get the total number of Security Groups for a specific connection.
sg-owner-vpc get Retrieve the owner VPC of a specified Security Group.
subnet add Add a new Subnet to an existing VPC.
get Retrieve a specific Subnet from a VPC.
register Register a new Subnet within a specified VPC.
remove Remove an existing Subnet from a VPC.
unregister Unregister a Subnet from a specified VPC.
subnet-by-connection count Get the total number of Subnets for a specific connection.
tag add Add a tag to a specified resource.
get Retrieve a specific tag for a specified resource.
list Retrieve a list of tags for a specified resource.
remove Remove a specific tag from a specified resource.
tcp-port check Verifies whether a given TCP port is open on the specified host.
udp-port check Verifies whether a given UDP port is open on the specified host.
vm control Control the state of a Virtual Machine (VM) such as suspend, resume, or reboot.
get Retrieve details of a specific Virtual Machine (VM).
list Retrieve a list of Virtual Machines (VMs) associated with a specific connection.
register Register a new Virtual Machine (VM) with the specified name and CSP ID.
snapshot Create a new MyImage snapshot from a specified VM. Concept Guide, Snapshot-MyImage,Disk Guide
start Start a new Virtual Machine (VM) with specified configurations. User Guide, Snapshot-MyImage,Disk Guide
terminate Terminate a specified Virtual Machine (VM).
unregister Unregister a Virtual Machine (VM) with the specified name.
vm-by-connection count Get the total number of Virtual Machines (VMs) for a specific connection.
vm-status get Retrieve the status of a specific Virtual Machine (VM).
list Retrieve a list of statuses for Virtual Machines (VMs) associated with a specific connection.
vm-using-rs get Retrieve details of a VM using resource ID.
vmgroup-healthinfo get Retrieve the health information of the VM group in a specified Network Load Balancer (NLB).
vmspec get Retrieve details of a specific VM spec. User Guide
list Retrieve a list of VM specs associated with a specific connection. User Guide
vpc create Create a new Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with specified subnet configurations. User Guide
delete Delete a specified Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
get Retrieve details of a specific Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
list Retrieve a list of Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) associated with a specific connection.
register Register a new Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with the specified name and CSP ID.
unregister Unregister a VPC with the specified name.
vpc-by-connection count Get the total number of VPCs for a specific connection.



This command shows all available vpc commands.

$ spctl vpc (help)
Commands for vpc

  spctl vpc [command]

Available Commands:
  create      Create a new Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with specified subnet configurations. 🕷️ [[User Guide](]
  delete      Delete a specified Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
  get         Retrieve details of a specific Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
  list        Retrieve a list of Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) associated with a specific connection.
  register    Register a new Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with the specified name and CSP ID.
  unregister  Unregister a VPC with the specified name.

  -h, --help   help for vpc

Global Flags:
  -s, --server string   Spider server URL (default "localhost:1024")

Use "spctl vpc [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Create Command Guidance

The command supports full and required fields examples for creating a VPC.

./spctl vpc create
  spctl vpc create [flags]

  -d, --data string   JSON Body/Form parameter: VPCCreateRequest
  -h, --help          help for create

Global Flags:
  -s, --server string   Spider server URL (default "localhost:1024")

    Example JSON for VPCCreateRequest with all fields:
        "ConnectionName": "aws-connection",
        "IDTransformMode": "ON",
        "ReqInfo": {
          "IPv4_CIDR": "",
          "Name": "vpc-01",
          "SubnetInfoList": [
              "IPv4_CIDR": "",
              "Name": "subnet-01",
              "TagList": [
                  "Key": "key1",
                  "Value": "value1"
              "Zone": "us-east-1b"
          "TagList": [
              "Key": "key1",
              "Value": "value1"

    Example JSON for VPCCreateRequest with required fields only:
        "ConnectionName": "aws-connection",
        "ReqInfo": {
          "IPv4_CIDR": "",
          "Name": "vpc-01",
          "SubnetInfoList": [
              "IPv4_CIDR": "",
              "Name": "subnet-01"

Create VPC Example

$ spctl vpc create -d     '{
        "ConnectionName": "aws-connection",
        "ReqInfo": {
          "IPv4_CIDR": "",
          "Name": "vpc-01",
          "SubnetInfoList": [
              "IPv4_CIDR": "",
              "Name": "subnet-01"

※ For detailed usage examples and more information, please refer to the spctl User Guide.

This document outlines the command structure, available flags, and the complete set of resources based on the provided Swagger specification from CB-Spider.

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