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A simple DSL for building RBAC rule sets in Ruby


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Roleback is a simple DSL for writing static RBAC rules for your application. Roleback is not concerned with how you store or enforce your roles, it only cares about how you define them. Storing roles against a user class is easy enough, and there are plenty of gems out there to help you enforce them, like Pundit and CanCanCan.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'roleback'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install roleback


Using Roleback is simple. Define your roles in a ruby file, and then load them into your application. For example in Rails, you can create a file loaded during your application load, like config/initializers/roles.rb:

# config/initializers/roles.rb
Roleback.define do
  role :admin do
    can :manage

Roleback defines permissions on by roles. In the example above, we've defined a role called admin that can manage anything. Usually permissions are defined with three pieces of information: scope, resource and action.

resource is the object you want to check permissions against. action is the action you want to check permissions for. For example, you might want to check read action, on a blog post:

# config/initializers/roles.rb
Roleback.define do
  role :admin do
    resource :post do
      can :read

resource however, always includes 7 more actions: create, read, update, delete, list, edit and new to make it easier to define permissions for common actions. You can change this behavior using the only and except options:

# config/initializers/roles.rb
Roleback.define do
  role :admin do
    resource :post, only: [:read, :create, :update, :destroy] do
      can :read

scope adds context to your permissions. For example, you might want to grant read on a post in the web, but not in other contexts (like an API):

# config/initializers/roles.rb
Roleback.define do
  role :admin do
    scope :web do
      resource :post do
        can :read

Grant and Deny

Permissions are granted using can and denied using cannot:

# config/initializers/roles.rb
Roleback.define do
  role :admin do
    scope :web do
      resource :post do
        can :read
        cannot :write

By default, all resource default permissions (create, read, update, delete, list, edit and new) are granted (ie can).


Roles can inherit from other roles:

# config/initializers/roles.rb
Roleback.define do
  role :admin do
    can :manage

  role :editor, inherits_from: :admin do
    cannot :destroy

Roles can also inherit from multiple roles:

# config/initializers/roles.rb
Roleback.define do
  role :admin do
    can :manage

  role :author do
    can :write

  role :editor, inherits_from: [:admin, :author] do
    cannot :destroy

While you don't need to define a parent role before the child role, circular dependencies are not allowed, within the same parental line. For example, if :moderator inherits from :admin, :admin cannot inherit from :moderator, directly or indirectly. However, when inheriting from multiple parents, circular dependencies are allowed, as long as they are not in the same parental line. For example, :editor can inherit from :admin and :author, and :author can inherit from :editor, as long as :editor does not inherit from :author directly or indirectly.

When it comes to consolidating the rules of inherited roles, Roleback allows repeated rules as long as they don't belong to the same role. For example, it is not allowed to define a rule twice, even with the same outcome:

# config/initializers/roles.rb
Roleback.define do
  role :admin do
    can :manage
    can :manage # <- not allowed

You can however, define the same rule in different roles, as long as they don't contradict each other:

# config/initializers/roles.rb
Roleback.define do
  role :admin do
    can :manage

  role :editor, inherits_from: :admin do
    can :manage
# config/initializers/roles.rb
Roleback.define do
  role :admin do
    can :manage

  role :editor, inherits_from: :admin do
    cannot :manage # <- not allowed

Checking Permissions

Roleback doesn't care how you check permissions, but it does provide a simple API for doing so:

Roleback.can?(:admin, resource: :post, action: :read) # => true
Roleback.can?(:editor, resource: :post, action: :destroy) # => false

After the definition of roles is finished (Roleback.define), all each role, ends up with the collection of all rules it has plus all the rules it has inherited from other roles. These rules are used to check for permissions. When the can? method is called with scope, resource and action, can? will return the outcome of the most specific rule that matches the given scope, resource and action. If no rule matches, can? will return false. If you have both can and cannot rules for a check, cannot will take precedence (deny over grant).

User class

If you have a User class, Roleback will automatically, add a can? method to it:

user = User.find(1) # user.roles => [:admin]
user.can?(resource: :post, action: :read) # => true
user.can?(resource: :post, action: :destroy) # => false

Your User class has to have a method called roles that returns an array of role names as symbols.

The User class returns an array of roles, then Roleback will check each role for a match and will return true (grant) when the first role matches. If no role matches, can? will return false. This is an important point to remember when using class extension, which basically means if you grant the user multiple rules, it will return true if any of the rules match, even you have rules that deny access to the same resource and action.

You can change the class to be extended from User, using user_class option in define:

Roleback.define user_class: Admin do
  # ...

If you don't want to extend your User class, pass in nil as the user_class option:

Roleback.define user_class: nil do
  # ...


Even though Roleback doesn't impose any opinions on how define your rules (sacrilegious in Rails world, I know), here are some recommendations that might help using it with more ease:

  1. Although Roleback, support deny permissions (cannot), I recommend against using those and always define your rules with grant permissions (can). This will make it easier to reason about your rules and will make it easier to debug them.
  2. Either map your roles to actual organizational roles (marketing, support, etc), or define them based on their access context (commenter, editor, etc). Don't mix the two. Use multiple inheritance when defining the roles based on access context and use single inheritance when defining them based on organizational roles.
  3. Define your roles in a single file, and load them during application load. (config/initializers/roles.rb in Rails is a good place).


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on this GitHub repository. PRs are welcome and more likely to be accepted if they include tests.