✨ New Features
- auto changelog action added (commit by @mamrajyadav)3519bd9
- added dependabot.yml file (commit by @mamrajyadav)51b7e0b
- Added public ecr and updated variables (commit by @h1manshu98)bb24148
- Updated output variables for public ecr (commit by @h1manshu98)0a8a8d0
- Updated output variables for public ecr (commit by @h1manshu98)fdcafaf
- module enable-disable feature added (commit by @d4kverma)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Update workflows and examples (commit by @13archit)0a76c9d
- Fix tfchecks workflow (commit by @13archit)728cd5d
- Added versions.tf (commit by @13archit)ef0f884
- Removed tfsec ignore. (commit by @13archit)f0c0330
- Updates variables.tf and Readme.yaml (commit by @13archit)f187348
- update github acton and terraform latest version (commit by @mamrajyadav)
📝 Documentation Changes
- update CHANGELOG.md for 1.3.2 (commit by @clouddrove-ci)