An App responsible for measuring and controlling time
The benchmarked app consists of an empty index.html plus an nginx config and is pushed using the following:
(cd benchmarked-app ; cf push)
cf push thoth --no-route --no-start
cf set-env thoth CF_APP_NAME <benchmarked-app-name>
cf set-env thoth CF_DEPLOYMENT_NAME <your-deployment-name>
cf set-env thoth CF_ORG <your-org-name>
cf set-env thoth CF_PASSWORD <your-password>
cf set-env thoth CF_SKIP_SSL_VALIDATION <true/false>
cf set-env thoth CF_SPACE <your-space>
cf set-env thoth CF_SYSTEM_DOMAIN <cf-system-domain>
cf set-env thoth CF_USERNAME <your-username>
cf set-env thoth DATADOG_API_KEY <your-datadog-api-key>
# optionally set the number of concurrent benchmarks
cf set-env thoth THOTH_THREADS 5
cf start thoth
For Diego, you will need to set the health check to none, like so: cf set-health-check APPLICATION_NAME none
- Time in App (
) - Time in Gorouter (
) - Rest of Time (