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AWS Brokerpak

A brokerpak for the Cloud Service Broker that provides support for AWS services.

Development Requirements

  • Either an up-to-date version of Go or Docker
  • make - covers development lifecycle steps

AWS account information

To provision services, the brokerpak currently requires AWS access key id and secret. The brokerpak expects them in environment variables:


Development Tools

A Makefile supports the full local development lifecycle for the brokerpak.

The make targets can be run either with Docker or installing the required libraries in the local OS.

Available make targets can be listed by running make.

Running with docker

  1. Install Docker
  2. Launch an interactive shell into some supported image containing all necessary tools. For example:
    # From the root of this repo run:
    docker run -it --rm -v "${PWD}:/repo" --workdir "/repo" --entrypoint "/bin/bash" golang:latest

Running with Go

  1. Make sure you have the right Go version installed (see go.mod file).

The make targets will build the source using the local go installation.

Other targets

There is a make target to push the broker and brokerpak into a CloudFoundry foundation. It will be necessary to manually configure a few items for the broker to work.

  • make push-broker will cf push the broker into CloudFoundry. Requires the cf cli to be installed.

The broker gets pushed into CloudFoundry as cloud-service-broker-aws. It will be necessary to bind a MySQL database to the broker to provide broker state storage. See AWS Installation docs for more info.


The version of Cloud Service Broker to use with this brokerpak is encoded in the go.mod file. The make targets will use this version by default.


Example tests

Services definitions declare examples for each plan they provide. Those examples are then run through the whole cycle of provision, bind, unbind, and delete when running

$ make examples       # Lists example tests
$ make run-examples   # Runs example tests

Acceptance tests

See acceptance tests

Integration tests

Integration tests can be run with the following command:

make run-integration-tests