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Kieron Browne edited this page Jul 2, 2021 · 3 revisions

Garden API

The Garden API is a set of HTTP endpoints exposed by the Garden server. The API is mainly used by Diego to manage containers.

For golang clients (such as Diego), there is a golang client wrapper.


Method Path Description
GET /ping Pings a Garden server, succeeds if the server is running
GET /capacity Gets the capacity (total memory, total disk, max number of containers) of a Garden server
GET /containers Gets a list of existing container handles/IDs
POST /containers Creates a container
GET /containers/bulk_info Gets information about all the containers known to Garden
GET /containers/bulk_metrics Gets metrics (resource usage, age, etc.) for all the containers known to Garden
GET /containers/:handle/info Gets information about the container with the handle specified
DELETE /containers/:handle Deletes the container with the handle specified
PUT /containers/:handle/stop Kills all the processes of the container (i.e. the processes in its devices cgroup) except the container init process
PUT /containers/:handle/files Upload a file into a container
GET /containers/:handle/files Gets the content of a file from a container
GET /containers/:handle/limits/bandwidth Gets the container bandwidth limits (the implementation returns an empty struct though)
GET /containers/:handle/limits/cpu Gets the container CPU limits
GET /containers/:handle/limits/disk Gets the container disk limit (the implementation returns an empty struct though)
GET /containers/:handle/limits/memory Gets the container memory limits
POST /containers/:handle/net/in Allows a container port to be accessed externally on a port
POST /containers/:handle/net/out Allows a container to access external networks on a single ports
POST /containers/:handle/net/out/bulk Allows a container to access external networks on multiple ports
POST /containers/:handle/processes Runs a process in a container
GET /containers/:handle/processes/:pid Gets the handle (ID) of the process (NOTE: This is NOT the operating system process ID (PID)!)
GET /containers/:handle/processes/:pid/attaches/:streamid/stdout Gets a process standard out (stdout)
GET /containers/:handle/processes/:pid/attaches/:streamid/stderr Gets a process standard error (stderr)
PUT /containers/:handle/grace_time Sets the container grace time (the time the container survives if being inactive)
GET /containers/:handle/properties Gets all the properties of a container
GET /containers/:handle/properties/:key Gets a single container property
PUT /containers/:handle/properties/:key Sets a single container property
DELETE /containers/:handle/properties/:key Deletes a container property
GET /containers/:handle/metrics Gets metrics of a container

Navigating between endpoint route and its implementation is a bit tricky (or maybe it's just me), so here is a list of places in the code to look for:

  • routes.go defines the API HTTP routes
  • server.go wires those routes to HTTP handlers
  • gardener.go is where non-container specific operations (e.g. GET /containers) are implemented
  • container.go is where container operations (e.g. GET /containers/:handle/metrics) are implemented


Gaol is an unofficial Garden API CLI client which is pretty useful to quickly try things out (e.g. create a container, run a process, attach to a container). It does not expose the complete Garden API but you can always clone it and extend it to fit into the concrete situation. See the Don't Panic -> Calling the Garden API section for more details.

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