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🧪 Container for Cloudfuse C++ experimentations 🧪


These experimentations where conducted with the following goals in mind:

  • Familiarization with the Arrow C++ code base
  • Evaluation of the effort required to build a query engine on top of it
  • Try to deploy a C++ app with complex dependency tree on AWS Lambda
  • Experiment on AWS Lambda raw performance (S3 bandidth, memory bandwidth, CPU instruction sets...)


The Cloudfuse query engine is splitted into two components:

  • 🐝 bees : the cloud function workers (AWS Lambda) that load and pre-aggregate the S3 data
  • 🍯 hives: the containers (AWS Fargate) that collect and reduce the aggregates sent by bees.


Deployments and runs are managed by the Makefile. Commands are detailed in the HOWTO section below.

  • The code/ directory contains the C++ code base. It contains a set of experiments that can be run individually in code/playground/. The rest of the code are helpers that are common to multiple experiments.
  • The data/ directory is the one mounted by minio to simulate S3 locally. Parquet files for experiments go here with the following path: data/bucketname/keyname.
  • The docker/ directory contains build imagesand scripts for the various dependencies of the project
  • The infra/ directory contains terraform scripts to deploy the experiments in the AWS cloud. This infra deploys a "generic" Lambda where you can load any of the experiment from code/playground/, lambdas with bandwidth tests automatically triggered to get statistics through time, and an ECS cluster with the hive config.



  • docker
  • AWS account(s) + AWS CLI
  • bash + makefile
  • good knowledge of terraform, Cpp, cmake and docker

Make commands


  • make test run C++ tests locally
  • make run-local-XXX where XXX should be replaced by the experiment file name will run that experiment locally.
    • Note: make run-local-flight-server dependency to abseil seems broken
  • make bash-inside-emulator to explore the Lambda runtime emulator interactively


You need an AWS account with the AWS CLI and .aws/credentials properly configured. If you use S3 as a backend for terraform, you can use a bucket in a different account from your deployment (the account is determined by the profile=xxx config below). You first need to init your terraform remote backend:

cd infra 
terraform init \
			-backend-config="bucket=s3-tf-backend-bucket" \
			-backend-config="key=cloudfuse-labs-cpp" \
			-backend-config="region=eu-west-1" \
terraform workspace new dev
cd ..
  • make init run terraform init in the current workspace
  • GEN_PLAY_FILE=XXX make deploy-bee deploy the experiment file XXX to the "generic" Lambda function. For lambdas that need to access an object from S3, you can configure it in infra/
  • make run-bee run the experiment deployed in the "generic" Lambda function.
  • GEN_PLAY_FILE=XXX make deploy-run-bee run both above
  • make deploy-bench-XXX run functions multiple time stimulating cold starts by changing the function between runs
  • make docker-login required to login to your ECR repository if deploying hive components to the cloud. You will be prompted for the AWS profile you want to use.
  • force-deploy deploy the "generic" lambda for individual tests, nd bandwidth tests triggered by crons to get statistics of lambda perfs through time and a hive infra (you should configure a valid object in infra/ Needs docker-login to deploy hive. You will be prompted for the AWS profile you want to use.
  • make destroy remove the resources. You will be prompted for the AWS profile that has access to the resources you want to destroy.

Add backtrace

In the file where you want to print the backtrace:

#include <boost/stacktrace.hpp>
std::cout << boost::stacktrace::stacktrace();

Solve boost dependency issues

In the ThirdpartyToolchain.cmake file of arrow, remove slim boost source URLs:

    # These are trimmed boost bundles we maintain.
    # See cpp/build_support/
    # FIXME(ARROW-6407) automate uploading this archive to ensure it reflects
    # our currently used packages and doesn't fall out of sync with


Experiments on native serverless with C++






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