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CloudNC Angular Interview Challenge

(Fork of

The Challenge

Starting with the "Books" demo application for ngrx, add authenticated protection to the application so a user cannot access books or collections without valid credentials.


  • The following components should be protected (these are components that currently have routes)
    • CollectionPageComponent - as this is currently the root route (path: '') it should be moved to /collection
    • FindBookPageComponent
    • ViewBookPageComponent
  • If a user attempts to access a protected route, they should be redirected to the login page
  • Once the user is logged in, they should see the phrase Logged In as ${username} in the toolbar
  • If the user is logged in, and they load the / route, they should be redirected to the /collection page
  • The authentication service should simply be a stub that checks if the submitted password is password. For example:
   * Asynchronously authenticate with a remote service
   * @todo(*) actually authenticate
  public authenticate(username: string, password: string): Observable<boolean> {

    if (password === 'password') {`Logged in as ${username}`);
      return Observable.of(true);
    }`Access denied for ${username} (Incorrect password)`);

    return Observable.of(false);
  • The login state should be persisted to the browser database (see src/app/effects/collection.ts for an example) so page refreshes result in the user still being logged in
  • If the user attempts to visit a protected page, after they are redirected AND successfully log in, they should be redirected back to the page that they were first attempting to visit

Bonus! (if time allows)

  • Write tests for the service/guard/reducer/component