New release will be only available on
This repository is the addon for PHP-CLI SHELL about PHPIPAM service.
You have to use base PHP-CLI SHELL project that is here:
/!\ Tested on PHPIPAM version 1.3.1:
- Copy all custom API controllers located in addons/ipam/ressources on your PHPIPAM instance
- Cw_sections.php: /var/www/phpipam/api/controllers/custom/Cw_sections.php
- Cw_subnets.php: /var/www/phpipam/api/controllers/custom/Cw_subnets.php
- Cw_vlans.php: /var/www/phpipam/api/controllers/custom/Cw_vlans.php
- Cw_addresses.php: /var/www/phpipam/api/controllers/custom/Cw_addresses.php
/!\ Do not rename custom controllers
/!\ Version 2.0 add new profiles!
Ubuntu only, you can get last PHP version from this PPA:
- add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
- apt update
You have to install a PHP version >= 7.1:
- apt install php7.3-cli php7.3-mbstring php7.3-readline php7.3-soap php7.3-curl
For MacOS users which use PHP 7.3, there is an issue with PCRE. You have to add this configuration in your php.ini:
To locate your php.ini, use this command: php -i | grep "Configuration File"
Download last PHAR release and its key from releases
Print wizard help:
$ php php-cli-shell.phar --help
Create PHPIPAM configuration with command:
$ php php-cli-shell.phar configuration:application:factory ipam
For more informations about configuration file, see 'CONFIGURATION FILE' section
Create PHPIPAM launcher with command:
$ php php-cli-shell.phar launcher:application:factory ipam
The PHAR contains all PHP-CLI SHELL components (Base, DCIM, IPAM and Firewall)
- git clone
- git checkout tags/v2.1.2
- git clone
- git checkout tags/v2.1.2
- Merge these two repositories
- mv configurations/ipam.json.example configurations/ipam.json
- vim configurations/ipam.json
- servers field contains all PHPIPAM server which must be identified by custom key [IPAM_SERVER_KEY]
server key must be unique and you will use it on next steps. You have an example in config file - contexts section contains all API application name configured on your PHPIPAM instance
On your PHPIPAM instance, go to Administration > API and create application without code or security
- servers field contains all PHPIPAM server which must be identified by custom key [IPAM_SERVER_KEY]
- Optionnal
- You can create user configuration files to overwrite some configurations
These files will be ignored for commits, so your user config files can not be overwrited by a futur release - mv configurations/ipam.user.json.example configurations/ipam.user.json
- vim configurations/ipam.user.json
Change configuration like browserCmd - All *.user.json files are ignored by .gitignore
- You can create user configuration files to overwrite some configurations
- mv ipam.php.example phpipam.php
- vim phpipam.php
- Change [IPAM_SERVER_KEY] with the key of your PHPIPAM server in configuration file
/!\ For security reason, you can use a read only account or API app configured in read only mode!
Change informations which are between []
- vim credentialsFile
- export IPAM_[IPAM_SERVER_KEY]_LOGIN=[YourLoginHere]
Change [IPAM_SERVER_KEY] with the key of your PHPIPAM server in configuration file
Launch PHP-CLI Shell for PHPIPAM service
- source credentialsFile
- php phpipam.php
Get command result in order to handle with your OS shell.
/!\ The result is JSON so you can use JQ
Change informations which are between []
- source credentialsFile
- php phpipam.php "[myCommandHere]"