A collection of Pentomino puzzle playing dialogue corpora annotated for reference to objects and disfluency. This repository is for the derived data only (where reference information and disfluency analysis is possible). For audio and video resources please contact david.schlangen@uni-potsdam.de or j.hough@qmul.ac.uk.
To set yourself up to be able to explore the data in python using either pandas dataframes or sqlite databases, please refer to code/README.md
Please cite the following paper if you use this data:
author = {Zarrie{\ss}, Sina and Hough, Julian and Kennington, Casey and Manuvinakurike, Ramesh and DeVault, David and Fern{\'a}ndez, Raquel and Schlangen, David},
booktitle = {10th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference},
address = {Portoro\v{z} (Slovenia)},
title = {{PentoRef: A Corpus of Spoken References in Task-oriented Dialogues}},
year = {2016},
1.0 PentoCV data used for paper:
author = {Hough, Julian and Zarrie{\ss}, Sina and Schlangen, David},
location = {Stockholm, Sweden},
booktitle = {{Grounding Language Understanding (GLU2017), Satellite of INTERSPEECH 2017}},
title = {{Grounding Imperatives to Actions is Not Enough: A Challenge for Grounded NLU for Robots from Human-Human Data}},
year = {2017},