This package lets you stream audio between the computer and the robot. THIS REPOSITORY IS BASED ON THE ROS_DRIVER/AUDIO_COMMON REPOSITORY.
rosdep install --from-paths <PATH TO CAPRA_AUDIO_COMMON_SRC_FOLDER> --ignore-src --rosdistro melodic -y
In the capra_audio_common workspace folder launch catkin_make
command. Once the compiling is successful you can source the workspace with source devel/setup.bash
(If you use zsh, source the setup.zsh
Before starting, be sure to have your .bashrc correctly setup, see the first step of the 'Troubleshooting' section.
On the computer running the UI, you have to press two buttons to communicate both ways with the robot. First, click on "Audio start" on the bottom bar. Second, through the "Launch" tab in "Config", select the launch button for the Robot's audio.
In a terminal connected to the robot, run this command:
roslaunch capra_audio audio_robot.launch
Then, in a local terminal, run the command for local audio:
roslaunch capra_audio audio_ui.launch
On the computer you want to capture the audio capture, execute this command:
roslaunch audio_capture capture.launch
On the computer, you want to listen to the audio captured, execute this command:
roslaunch audio_play play.launch do_timestamp:=false
- Cannot see the data from the audio topic
- Check if the following configuration in the bashrc of both computer:
- If you can get the audio data but can’t hear it
- This one can be tricky because you are dealing with devices on Linux. So the first thing you want to try is to test if you can hear with your speaker. You can launch
, which will blast white noise. If you can’t hear anything this means that the default audio device is configured incorrectly. - Now list the existing audio device with the command:
pacmd list-sinks
. - Set the default output device with the command:
pacmd set-default-sink <output audio device>
- For more information :[]
- This one can be tricky because you are dealing with devices on Linux. So the first thing you want to try is to test if you can hear with your speaker. You can launch
- To setup the default input device
- List the input audio device with
pactl list short sink-inputs
- Set the default audio device with
pacmd set-default-source <input audio device>
- List the input audio device with
This repository contains the ROS audio_common package.
For user documentation, please refer to the ROS Wiki page for audio_common
The default topic name for the audio capture and play is "audio" you can change it in the launch files in capra_audio/launch