A key challenge in modeling single-cell RNA-seq data is to capture the diversity of gene expression states regulated by different transcriptional regulatory inputs across individual cells, which is further complicated by largely observed zero and low expressions. We developed a left truncated mixture Gaussian (LTMG) model, from the kinetic relationships of the transcriptional regulatory inputs, mRNA metabolism and abundance in single cells. LTMG infers the expression multi-modalities across single cells, meanwhile, the dropouts and low expressions are treated as left truncated. We demonstrated that LTMG has significantly better goodness of fitting on an extensive number of scRNA-seq data, comparing to three other state-of-the-art models. Our biological assumption of the low non-zero expressions, rationality of the multimodality setting, and the capability of LTMG in extracting expression states specific to cell types or functions, are validated on independent experimental data sets. For more detail please refer and cite our paper [Wan, C., Chang, W., Zhang, Y., Shah, F., Lu, X., Zang, Y., Zhang, A., Cao, S., Fishel, M.L., Ma, Q. and Zhang, C., 2019. LTMG: a novel statistical modeling of transcriptional expression states in single-cell RNA-Seq data. Nucleic acids research, 47(18), pp.e111-e111.] (https://academic.oup.com/nar/article/47/18/e111/5542876). If you have any question, please kindly email wancl0422@gmail or wan82@purdue.edu for faster reply. I did not get notified by github issues.
We have received great number of feedbacks since the publish of our work. Here we provide this update package of LTMG with much convenient interfaces and command lines.
LTMG fits on normalized gene expression profile along with the imputation of global Zcut in deriving left truncation. In this section, we provide necessary functions to get normalized expression (Noted, not log normalized) and Zcut. We also inhereted the Read10X functions from Seurat, for the convenience of reading 10X files. Here we illustrate the input process for 10X data PBMC and normalized data Melanoma dataset.
### The R packages involved in LTMG package
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
## filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
## Loading required package: magrittr
## ## KRLS Package for Kernel-based Regularized Least Squares.
## ## See Hainmueller and Hazlett (2014) for details.
### Read and preprocess 10X files
#PBMC<-Data_subset(PBMC,PBMC_meta,nFeature.lower = 200,nFeature.upper = 2000,Counts.upper = 5000,Percent.mt.upper = 0.1)
### Read and Proprocess normalized data
### Please filter all zero columns and rows first.
File_data<-as.matrix(read.table("Melanoma.txt",sep = "\t",header = T,row.names = 1))
We will use the melanoma dataset to illustrate the functionalities in
the following sections.
The most important functionality of LTMG is
to fit the gene expression with mixture guassian distribution. Such
that, gene expression state can be viewed as the different Guassian
Here we fit the CCL5 gene expression in melanoma. As
illustrated in the histgram, CCL5 gene expression is fitted by two
states. One is suppressed expression state (red), which is constited by
low and zero expression. The other one is active expression state
(green) where the expression are with true biological
functionalities. We also retrieved cell annotation from original paper.
In the dot plot, we highlighted the enrichment of different cell type in
different expression states.The color level indicates the mean
expression in the group, the size level indicates the enrichment of
cells in each expression state, respect the cell types.
### Fit single gene LTMG
### Visualize the LTMG gene expression distribution
plot_gene(VEC = VEC,Data_LTMG = VEC_LTMG,Zcut = Zcut_G,Gene=Gene)
### Visualize the cell type distribution on expression state
plot_dot(VEC = VEC,Data_LTMG = VEC_LTMG,cell_key = cell_key,Zcut = Zcut_G,Gene=Gene)
paper, we
proved that LTMG discitized expression state has better low dimensional
visualization by applying t-SNE and UMAP. We highlighted this
functionality here with Melanoma dataset.
TSNE is called by
LTMG_tsne function. The default dims, perplexity, max_iter and
partical_pca are set as 2, 30, 5000 and False, respectively. The
visualization can be ploted by the function plot_cluster.
Here we use marker genes retrieved from original paper. Noted, if the
marker genes list is not available, it is sufficiant to use top 1000 or
2000 variant genes. Except for the unresolved cells, LTMG can distinctly
seperate the cell cluster in lower dimensions.
### Select top variant genes
# Gene_use<-rownames(File_data)[order(apply(File_data, 1, var),decreasing = T)[1:2000]]
File_LTMG<-LTMG_MAT(MAT = File_data,Zcut_G = Zcut_G,Gene_use = Gene_use)
## Progress:0%
## Progress:10%
## Progress:20%
## Progress:30%
## Progress:40%
## Progress:50%
## Progress:60%
## Progress:70%
## Progress:80%
## Progress:90%
## Progress:100%
File_LTMG<-LTMG_tsne(File_LTMG = File_LTMG)
Plot_Cluster(File_LTMG,Plot_Legend = T)
For the dataset without prior cell type information, we provide a
spectral clustering-based approach in clustering single cell from LTMG
generated low dimensionl projection. Here we use guassian kernel in
calculating distance matrix. And find the number of eigen values less or
equal to 1e-5 as the cluster number.
Noted, the last steps of
spectral clustering is to use Kmeans on eigenvectors corresponding to 0
valued eigen values. Though the spectral clustering works well most of
time, it could be unstable sometimes. User could run the LTMG_cluster
several time for optimal output. The subsequent call of LTMG_cluster
will save lots of time, since we will only run the last Kmeans step.
## Warning: did not converge in 10 iterations
Plot_Cluster(File_LTMG,Plot_Label = T)
After we have the unsupervised clustering, next, we will find out the
specific gene expression states for each clusters. Here we use function
LTMG_Diff. The input is the File_LTMG list object, the cell labels, as
well as number of the top differentially expressed genes for each
cluster. Plot_State_Heatmap function draws the heatmap for
differentially expressed genes.
User can annotate the clusters on
top of the heatmap. Then user could look into specific genes through the
single gene analysis.
File_LTMG<-LTMG_Diff(File_LTMG,File_LTMG$cluster,TOP = 20)