This is my repository of home-assistant related stuff.
This sensor shows the number of devices connected to your unifi APs and also shows the devices per AP and per ESSID as attributes of the sensor.
Copy my_unifi folder to your home-assistant custom_components folder.
Add the following to your sensors configuration:
- platform: my_unifi
name: <whatever you want> (optional, default: "unifi")
region: <site name> (optional, default: "default")
username: <unifi_controller_username>
password: <unifi_controller_password>
url: https://x.x.x.x:8443 <or your unifi controller url>
A Weather component that fetch the weather condition and forecast from
Copy climatempo folder to your home-assistant custom_components folder.
You will need a api_key to be able to use this component. Go to, login, Tokens and create a new projet. Find your city code using
Add the following to your weather configuration:
- platform: climatempo
name: <whatever you want> (optional, default "climatempo")
api_key: <your token>
city: <city_code>
A custom component that fetch today and tomorrow shifts from
Copy humanity folder to your home-assistant custom_components folder.
You will have to ask for api access on humanity website. Then got to settings -> Integration API v2 and create a API Application there. There's no need of a "Redirection URI". You will need to copy App ID and App Secret from this page. With this info, configure the component on HA:
- platform: humanity
name: <whatever you want> (optional, default "humanity")
app_id: <your app_id>
app_secret: <your app_secret>
username: <username used to login on humanity>
password: <password used to login on humanity>
Create a entities card on lovelace to show the today and tomorrow sensors.