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Enable grpc as an alternative to DBus for communications #165

Enable grpc as an alternative to DBus for communications

Enable grpc as an alternative to DBus for communications #165

# Copyright (c) 2015 - 2024 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
name: "CodeQL"
branches: [ dev ]
# The branches below must be a subset of the branches above
branches: [ dev ]
permissions: read-all
name: Analyze
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
actions: read
contents: read
security-events: write
fail-fast: false
language: [ 'cpp', 'python' ]
# CodeQL supports [ 'cpp', 'csharp', 'go', 'java', 'javascript', 'python', 'ruby' ]
# Learn more about CodeQL language support at
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@b4ffde65f46336ab88eb53be808477a3936bae11 # v4.1.1
# Initializes the CodeQL tools for scanning.
- name: Initialize CodeQL
uses: github/codeql-action/init@47b3d888fe66b639e431abf22ebca059152f1eea # v3.24.5
languages: ${{ matrix.language }}
# If you wish to specify custom queries, you can do so here or in a config file.
# By default, queries listed here will override any specified in a config file.
# Prefix the list here with "+" to use these queries and those in the config file.
# queries: ./path/to/local/query, your-org/your-repo/queries@main
- uses: actions/checkout@b4ffde65f46336ab88eb53be808477a3936bae11 # v4.1.1
- name: install system dependencies
run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libelf-dev mpich libmpich-dev libomp-11-dev libsystemd-dev liburing-dev libgirepository1.0-dev libcap-dev zlib1g-dev cargo libgrpc++-dev libgrpc-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler protobuf-compiler-grpc zstd
- name: install geopmpy and geopmdpy python dependencies
run: |
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel pep517
python3 -m pip install -r geopmdpy/requirements.txt
python3 -m pip install -r geopmpy/requirements.txt
- name: configure libgeopmd dir
working-directory: libgeopmd
run: ./ && ./configure
- name: make libgeopmd dir
working-directory: libgeopmd
run: make -j2
- name: configure libgeopm dir
working-directory: libgeopm
run: ./ && ./configure --enable-beta --disable-openmp --with-geopmd-lib=../libgeopmd/.libs --with-geopmd-include=../libgeopmd/src || (cat config.log && false)
- name: make libgeopm dir
working-directory: libgeopm
run: make -j2
- name: Perform CodeQL Analysis
uses: github/codeql-action/analyze@47b3d888fe66b639e431abf22ebca059152f1eea # v3.24.5