1.) Create pre-requisites: GCP project, service account, creds, and infrastructure (including the GCP bucket for Terraform remote state)
- Note this script is technically idempotent, but it will still bark when re-running if the project or service account already exists.
2.) Deploy GKE cluster and infra via Terraform
- Installs GKE cluster and then deploys a simple kuard demo app for k8s up and running.
- The GKE module within this project is for simple demo purposes only.
- For H/A deployments, consider basing your terraform/IAC on the community supported module instead:
Regarding leveraging OSS/community Terraform modules, we have also included a GCP pub/sub (kafka'ish) module which leverages the community supported module:
Optional kubectl commands
(the wrapper script configures your kubeconfig file and starts a kubectl port-forward)
view kuard pod logs while accessing service (the script should
open http://localhost:8080/
when gke deployment completes) from browser and describe thepod/kuard
open http://localhost:8080 # if tab not already open kubectl logs -f pod/kuard -n default kubectl describe pod/kuard -n default
3.) Destroy the terraform infrastructure and the GCP project when done
./scripts/DESTROY-terraform sleep 15 gcloud projects delete demox-4567999
4.) Optional scripts
./scripts/plan-terraform ./scripts/show-terraform
- The benefits of using OSS (community supported modules) are significant and allow us to leverage the SME's for that infrastructure--in this case, we leverage the Google community Pub/Sub developers.
- Leveraging the OSS community ensures that our modules will continue to receive attention, upgrades, etc. as time progresses.
- If we do decide to roll our own, then we must commit to allocating consistent time and resources to maintaining our modules.
- Supporting our own modules continues to increase the costs and resources as our code base and projects continue to evolve.
- Leveraging OSS modules reduces time required to test, validate, and upgrade our own in-house code. Teams can instead spend more time focusing on their business objectives.
- i.e.: We can base our projects on the existing modules that can be found easily here:
- We shouldn't be running command-line terraform or using wrapper scripts for anything but ephemeral test environments.
- For all other environments--develop, stage, production, etc., we should instead drive Terraform state via Github Actions, Atlantis, etc.
- I.e.: see the example Terraform Github Actions workflow files here:
- 1.) A simple basic terraform workflow
- 2.) An advanced and Azure cloud workflow for a develop environment supporting:
- multiple environments (i.e.: develop, test, stage, prod) and
- multiple azure tenants (i.e.: develop, production tenant) and
- support for vars in terraform configs while still using secure azure remote state storage for distributed teams, etc.
- For reference, a github actions workflow template that could be modified to work for this:
- 1.) A simple basic terraform workflow
- Resolve issue with the google pub/sub terraform module--wherein infra deploys and we can publish messages to queue, but we need to look into the error
Error: Error creating Subscription: googleapi: Error 400: You have passed an invalid argument to the service (argument=PushConfig::oidc_token::service_account_email). │ │ with module.pubsub.google_pubsub_subscription.push_subscriptions["push"], │ on .terraform/modules/pubsub/main.tf line 118, in resource "google_pubsub_subscription" "push_subscriptions": │ 118: resource "google_pubsub_subscription" "push_subscriptions" {
- add pub/sub test/validation scripts
- configure with let's encrypt or install self-signed cert for GKE/k8s cluster to configure TLS for demo app/services
- add full lifecycle application and docker container/image build, tag, push, and deploy to gke
- For reference, a github actions workflow template that could be modified to work for this:
- For reference, a github actions workflow template that could be modified to work for this:
- Refactor this project to allow for changing the project_name in vars and redeploying--currently the default project name is set in the terraform config files.
- would need to modify the
script with somesed
to update ourterraform/terraform.tf
file which configures remote state bucket name.
- would need to modify the