Simple syncing between @ngrx/store and configurable storage. Supports async storage API for easy integrations with APIs such as LocalForage and Ionic Storage
Inspired by (and forked from) ngrx-store-localstorage
depends on @ngrx/store and Angular 8+.
npm install ngrx-store-sync --save
yarn add ngrx-store-sync
Below is an example of using the StoreSyncModule
with Ionic Storage:
export const STORE_SYNC_CONFIG = new InjectionToken<any>('Store Sync Configuration');
export function storeSyncConfigFactory(storage: StoreStorage): StoreSyncConfig {
return {
keys: ['key1', 'key2', 'key3'],
rehydrate: true,
imports: [
providers: [
{ provide: STORE_SYNC_CONFIG, deps: [Storage], useFactory: storeSyncConfigFactory },
export class AppModule {
An interface defining the configuration attributes to bootstrap StoreSyncModule
. The following are properties which compose StoreSyncConfig
(required) State keys to sync with local storage. The keys can be defined in two different formats:-
: Array of strings representing the state (reducer) keys. Full state will be synced (e.g.StoreSyncModule.forRoot({keys: ['todos']})
). -
: Array of objects where for each object the key represents the state key and the value represents custom serialize/deserialize options. This can be one of the following:-
An array of properties which should be synced. This allows for the partial state sync (e.g.
StoreSyncModule.forRoot({keys: [{todos: ['name', 'status'] }, ... ]})
). -
A reviver function as specified in the JSON.parse documentation.
An object with properties that specify one or more of the following:
serialize: A function that takes a state object and returns a plain json object to pass to json.stringify.
deserialize: A function that takes that takes the raw JSON from JSON.parse and builds a state object.
replacer: A replacer function as specified in the JSON.stringify documentation.
space: The space value to pass JSON.stringify.
reviver: A reviver function as specified in the JSON.parse documentation.
filter: An array of properties which should be synced (same format as the stand-alone array specified above).
: Pull initial state from storage on startup, this will default tofalse
. -
: Specify an object that conforms to the StoreStorage interface to use, this will default tolocalStorage
. -
: Specify if the state is removed from the storage when the new value is undefined, this will default tofalse
. -
(optional)(key: string) => string
: Сustom serialize function for storage keys, used to avoid Storage conflicts. -
(boolean? = true): Restore serialized date objects. If you work directly with ISO date strings, set this option tofalse
. -
(optional)(state) => boolean
: When set, sync to storage medium will only occur when this function returns a true boolean. Example:(state) => state.config.syncToStorage
will check the state tree under config.syncToStorage and if true, it will sync to the storage. If undefined or false it will not sync to storage. Often useful for "remember me" options in login. -
(boolean? = false): Specify if the storage availability checking is expected, i.e. for server side rendering / Universal.
Run ng build
to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/
directory. Use the --prod
flag for a production build.
Run ng test
to execute the unit tests via Karma.