DarkRoom is a take-home project I recently completed as part of the interview process for an iOS Developer role. The basic requirements for the app were that it display ten currently showing movies and ten upcoming movies, using data from themoviedb.org's REST api. Choice of design and UI elements were left open to the developer.
I'm quite happy with the final product—it was built entirely in Swift, no external dependencies were used, the UI is attractive, animates smoothly, and is easy to navigate, and perhaps most importantly, the code is clean and easy to read.
If you'd like to poke around the code a bit you're welcome to, but you'll need to supply your own copy of themoviedb.org's api key. To get a key, follow the directions on their authentication page. For demonstration purposes you can just provide the key as a global constant called apiKey; that's what the NetworkingManager will be looking for. Enjoy!
- Email: cary@cmillerco.com
- LinkedIn: carymiller