Framework based on Bamboo, running on NanoAOD
, to validate JME deliverables.
In order to install the framework, first git-clone:
git clone
Then, run the installation script:
The script will install Bamboo, plotit and CMSJMECalculators inside a python virtual environment.
After installation, a few changes to the bamboo code are neeed. These changes will soon be implemented directly inside the installation script. For the time being, you can implement them using the sed
command. Known changes needed:
sed -i 's/"Rho_fixedGridRhoFastjetAll"/"Rho"/g' bamboo/bamboo/
sed -i 's/"Rho_fixedGridRhoFastjetAll"/"Rho"/g' bamboovenv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/CMSJMECalculators/
sed -i 's/JRDatabase/jme-validation/g' bamboo/bamboo/
sed -i 's/JECDatabase/jme-validation/g' bamboo/bamboo/
sed -i '/cms-jet\/jme-validation/s/$/ branch="main",/' bamboo/bamboo/
sed -i 's/heads\/master"/heads\/"+self.branch/g' bamboovenv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/CMSJMECalculators/
sed -i 's/idxs=defCache(self.rng)/idxs=defCache(self.rng).replace("IndexRange<std::size_t>{","IndexRange<std::size_t>{static_cast<unsigned long>(").replace("}",")}")/g' bamboo/bamboo/
Every time you change bamboo-related code, you have to reinstall the packages dependencies by doing
pip install --upgrade .
or using the bash script:
Finally, inside the jme-validation
main folder, you need to create a file called bamboo.init
with the following content:
backend = htcondor
jobflavour = "longlunch"
sitename = T2_CH_CERN
storageroot = /eos/cms
xrootdredirector =
To have the framework run, first source everything you need by doing
We currently have two modules (corresponding to different selections) that can be run:
- QCD: used to obtain MC truth corrections;
- DY: used for jet reconstruction efficiency/purity and tau performance plots.
The choice of which module to run can be made by setting the module
variable inside /macros/
You can perform a test run by doing:
./macros/ -c -t
If everything looks good, you can submit condor jobs:
./macros/ -c -s
Finally, you can make plots:
./macros/ -p
The framework can be run either on centrally-produced NanoAOD
samples or custom ones. In order to produce custom NanoAOD samples that meet most of needs of the JME group, we are currently developing the JMENano framework.