This project is a CMSSW module producing flat tuples from 2011A Jet data.
Source code was originally forked from the SMPJ Analysis Framework:
The instruction assume that you will work on a VM properly contextualized for CMS, available from
First setup your own git configuration, or alternatively use these dummy values (required by the command git cms-addpkg
git config --global 'Your Name'
git config --global ''
git config --global user.github 'username'
Next create the working area:
mkdir WorkingArea
cd ./WorkingArea
cmsrel CMSSW_5_3_32
cd ./CMSSW_5_3_32/src
git cms-addpkg PhysicsTools/PatAlgos
git clone git://
cp cms-opendata-2011-jets/ PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/python/producersLayer1/
scram b
cd cms-opendata-2011-jets/AnalysisFW/python/
With cms-opendata-2011-jets/AnalysisFW/python/
as the current folder, run the following commands:
Download index files :
wget wget
Download JSON of good runs:
Create links to the condition databases:
ln -sf /cvmfs/ FT_53_LV5_AN1 ln -sf /cvmfs/ FT_53_LV5_AN1_RUNA.db ln -sf /cvmfs/ START53_LV6A1 ln -sf /cvmfs/ START53_LV6A1.db
To create tuples from data run the following command:
This command creates tuples from Monte Carlo simulations:
After running the code, you can browse the tuples by opening the produced files in ROOT:
root OpenDataTree_*
Finally, run this command in the ROOT command prompt:
TBrowser t
More info about the data and Monte Carlo tuples can be found in files tuple_info_data
and tuple_info_mc
- Properties of the event:
int run; // Run number
float lumi; // Luminosity section
long long event; // Event number
float ntrg; // Number of triggers
bool triggers[ntrg]; // Trigger bits
vector<string> *triggernames; // Trigger names
float prescales[ntrg]; // Trigger prescales
float met; // Missing transverse energy
float sumet; // Sum of transverse energy
float rho; // Energy density
- Jets reconstructed using the anti-kT algorithm with a parameter R = 0.5 (short. AK5).
int njet; // Number of AK5 jets
float jet_pt[njet]; // Corrected transverse momentum
float jet_eta[njet]; // Pseudorapidity
float jet_phi[njet]; // Azimuthal angle
float jet_E[njet]; // Energy
- Other AK5 jet information
bool jet_tightID[njet]; // Tight selection pass/fail
float jet_area[njet]; // Jet area in eta-phi plane
float jet_jes[njet]; // Jet energy correction
int jet_igen[njet]; // Index of the matching generated jet
- Composition values of the AK5 jets
float chf[njet]; // Charged hadron energy fraction
float nhf[njet]; // Neutral hadron energy fraction
float phf[njet]; // Photon energy fraction
float elf[njet]; // Electron energy fraction
float muf[njet]; // Muon energy fraction
float hf_hf[njet]; // Forward calorimeter (HF) hadron energy fraction
float hf_phf[njet]; // HF photon energy fraction
int hf_hm[njet]; // HF hadron multiplicity
int hf_phm[njet]; // HF photon multiplicity
int chm[njet]; // Charged hadron multiplicity
int nhm[njet]; // Neutral hadron multiplicity
int phm[njet]; // Photon multiplicity
int elm[njet]; // Electron multiplicity
int mum[njet]; // Muon multiplicity
float beta[njet]; // Fraction of chf associated to the hard process
float bstar[njet]; // Fraction of chf associated to pile-up
- Jets reconstructed using the anti-kT algorithm with a parameter R = 0.7 (short. AK7)
int njet_ak7; // Number of jets
float jet_pt_ak7[njet_ak7]; // Transverse momentum
float jet_eta_ak7[njet_ak7]; // Pseudorapidity
float jet_phi_ak7[njet_ak7]; // Azimuthal angle
float jet_E_ak7[njet_ak7]; // Energy
float jet_area_ak7[njet_ak7]; // Jet area
float jet_jes_ak7[njet_ak7]; // Jet energy corection factor
int ak7_to_ak5[njet_ak7]; // Index of the corresponding AK5 jet
- True properties of jets generated in the Monte Carlo simulation (only MC datasets)
int ngen; // Number of jets generated
float gen_pt[ngen]; // Transverse momentum
float gen_eta[ngen]; // Pseudorapidity
float gen_phi[ngen]; // Azimuthal angle
float gen_E[ngen]; // Energy
float pthat; // Transverse momentum in the rest frame of the hard interaction
float mcweight; // Monte Carlo weight of the event