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CMSUno - Plugins

 uuuu      uuuu        nnnnnn           ooooooooo
u::::u    u::::u    nn::::::::nn     oo:::::::::::oo
u::::u    u::::u   nn::::::::::nn   o:::::::::::::::o
u::::u    u::::u  n::::::::::::::n  o:::::ooooo:::::o
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        ___                                __
       / __\            /\/\              / _\
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     \____/           \/    \/            \__/


Allows you to create a small e-commerce site from CKEditor. It adds a "add to cart" button to the editor. It adds a complete cart system with order registration, email sending, invoice in PDF, multi-tax, shipping cost, payment by cheque and by bank transfer. It can work with other payment plugin (Paypal, Payplug). Very usefull and powerfull.



You can create a Gateway plugin for another payment system and link it with Payment. Connectors are as follow :

  • The name of the plugin must begin with pay (payfoo).
  • To Enabled/Disabled the plugin in Payment, it's needed to write in data/payment.json :
data['method']['payfoo'] = 0 ```

* The image button of you payment method should named __payfoo-btn.png__. Recommended size : 76x48. Folder : payfoo/img/.
* You should include a JS script with a function named __payfooCart(cart)__. This function will be called when the buyer clic the image button. This is the gateway.
"cart" is a JSON var :

``` {"prod":{
	{"n":"saw","p":7.60,"i":"string id","q":3},
	{"n":"hammer","p":12.5,"i":"string id","q":2}
"name":"Bob Dylan",
"adre":"1250 Edouard street 33234 ERZ",
"mail":""} ```

### Versions ###

* 1.3.2 - 27/09/2022 : Responsive display.
* 1.3.1 - 08/11/2021 : Update fpdf to 1.8.3 => fix issue on PHP 8+
* 1.3 - 26/12/2017 : Compatible with W3.CSS
* 1.2 - 15/11/2017 : Change connection with external payment gateway
* 1.1.3 - 10/11/2017 : Add Gateway with Bitcoin Paycoin plugin
* 1.1.2 - 21/05/2017 : Option to hide the CKEditor Add To Cart Button
* 1.1.1 - 15/03/2017 :
	* Use PHPMailer if Newsletter plugin exists
	* Replace MCrypt by OpenSSL
	* Fix issue when unknow lang
* 1.1 - 14/10/2016 : Use PHP-Gettext in place of gettext
* 1.0.2 - 16/11/2015 : Fix a bug
* 1.0.1 - 15/11/2015 : ColorPicker
* 1.0 - 05/10/2015 : First stable version


Create a small e-commerce site with CKEditor






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