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Releases: cn-uofbasel/ccn-lite

Legacy Release of NFN

14 Jun 12:06
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This is the last version of CCN-Lite to contain NFN. It is compatible with NFN-scala version 0.2.1 (

We are going to discontinue NFN in CCN-lite and NFN-scala.

NFN is continued as a part of PICN which is designed to be easier to use.
NFN in PICN contains new features and is covered by many test cases to provide a stable NFN experience.

CCN-lite will be continued as Multi-Packet-Format-Forwarder.
We aim to go back to the roots of CCN-lite, promissing a lightwight, easy to use and stable ICN forwarder.

This release contains several bug fixes and a few vulnarabilities are closed.
Additionally, we added a lot of documentation.

Thanks to

  • Michael Frey (MSA Safety)
  • Cenk Gündogan (HAW Hamburg)
  • Eric Sesterhenn (X41-DSec)
  • Peter Kietzmann (HAW Hamburg)
  • Martine Lenders (FU Berlin)
  • Claudio Marxer (Uni Basel)
  • Dima Mansour (Uni Basel)
  • Urs Schnurrenberger (Uni Basel)
  • Christian Tschudin (Uni Basel)
  • Christopher Scherb (Uni Basel)

and all others who contributed to this release.

CCN-lite V2

22 Nov 14:28
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CCN-lite V2 Pre-release

This is the release of CCN-lite V2.

  • Restructuration of the Code to a library system
    Code was split to following libraries:
    • ccnl-core: basic data structures
      • ccnl-fwd: forwarding functionality of CCN-lite
      • ccnl-nfn: library for NFN support
      • ccnl-pkt: packet encoding library, can be used for end point application with no forwarding requirements
      • ccnl-riot: RIOT integration library
  • change build system to cmake
  • add further RIOT support
    - add compressed packet format in an early stage
  • Fix a lot of Bugs
  • Fix some CVEs (discovered by Eric Sesterhenn / X41 D-Sec):
    CVE-2017-12412, CVE-2017-12464, CVE-2017-12465, CVE-2017-12466, CVE-2017-12467, CVE-2017-12468, CVE-2017-12469, CVE-2017-12471, CVE-2017-12472

Legacy Release of Version 0.X

22 Nov 14:24
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This is CCN-lite version 0.3.0 with some bugfixes and update.
This Release is to preserve the code of CCN-lite version 0.3.x before switching to CCN-lite v2.

Interop, OMNeT++, Arduino and Android

08 Jul 03:37
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Dear ICN research community,

we are pleased to announce CCN-lite v0.3. The source is on GitHub where you can also find
precompiled binaries for Debian/Ubuntu, Redhat, Android and RFduino.

Over the past 6 months, CCN-lite has progressed in several ways:

  • demonstrated interoperability with now-stabilized CCNx1.0, which can run side-by-side with NDN in a single CCN-lite relay
  • OMNeT++ integration is back, as it has been requested many times
  • new platforms and transport:
    • Arduino and RFduino
    • Android and Bluetooth Low Energy
  • new functionality: "begin-end" fragmentation for CCNx1.0 and NDN
  • improved build quality for Ubuntu and OSX
  • improved READMEs allover the release, easy tutorials
  • Named Function Networking (NFN) over NDN now has Python bindings to make the publishing of named functions easier. (The SCALA access is still available as an independent release and provides a more complete integration.)

Enjoy release 0.3, enhance it and let us know what you did with CCN-lite!

The CCN-lite team in Basel

Multi-protocol and NFN release

08 Jul 09:05
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Dear All,

today we released CCN-lite v0.2.0 on GitHub.

Over the past year it has evolved considerably: For example it has
become a multi-protocol forwarder (ccnb, NDN, a compact IOT-TLV
variant and (unofficial) CCNx1.0), although not all features of a
suite might be supported.

But most important for us, this release also contains our Named
Function Networking implementation (NFN).


Best, the CCN-lite team in Basel

Initial development release

27 Jul 00:59
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2013-07-27 -- CCN-lite is made publicly available.

This release also contains a precompiled kernel module for the Raspberry Pi (compiled on Debian for ARM, Linux kernel 3.6.11+)

Dear All,

we happily announce the immediate availability of CCN-lite, a reduced and
lightweight - yet interoperable - implementation of the CCNx protocol.

The projected started with the goal of keeping the core CCNx logic below
1000 lines of C and to run the same code unchanged in user and kernel
space of both x86 and ARM, or OMNeT simulation.

As a benchmark of interoperability, and going beyond the reference
implementation, CCN-lite is able to forward Xerox PARC's SYNC-Protocol
over raw Ethernet.

The source code is available at Github, enjoy!

Best, the CCN-lite team in Basel

Christopher Scherb
Manolis Sifalakis
Christian Tschudin

Salient features of CCN-lite:

  • a tiny CCNx core (1000 lines of C)
  • three supported platforms: UNIX user space, Linux kernel, OMNeT
    all using the same core logic
  • runs on Linux Intel x86 and ARM (Raspberry Pi) both user and
    kernel space
  • fragmentation support for running the CCNx protocol natively
    over Ethernet, based on a preliminary fragment format under
    discussion with Xerox PARC
  • packet scheduler support at CCNx message level as well as
    fragment level
  • permissive ISC license