🏡 This is my config of the powerful Home Assistant. It's my playground, a work in progress... My main focus right now is discover what can be done, create modular packages, tuneup the interface, create phyton scripts for generic automations, help the community with examples, learn from the forum and others users configs.
🌟 my repo if you like it and want see the progress and the experiments.
- Summary group: A custom card that I have created to show information in an easy way (state-card and summary.py)
- Painel Control group: Buttons for the main actions, emulating a universal remote control (uses a custom state-card)
- Vibes group: Tiles (with the same custom state-card) to play: K-Pop, Podcasts, Barney's Get Psyched Mix, Rain and Nature sounds (for white noise)
Raspberry Pi related