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To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


  • iOS 13+
  • Swift 5


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CHRadarGraph is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "CHRadarGraph", "~> 0.3.0"


  • v0.3.0: Convert to Swift 5 & iOS 13+
  • v0.2.1: Convert to Swift 3.0
  • v0.1.5: Convert to Swift 2.3
  • v0.1.4: Added more Unit tests
  • v0.1.3: Added Unit tests
  • v0.1.1: Removed dataSource methods positionOfGraph and sizeOfGraph


Delegate methods:

Invoked before graph rendering

func willDisplayGraph(_ graphView: CHRadarGraphView)

Invoked after graph rendering

func didDisplayGraph(_ graphView: CHRadarGraphView)

Invoked before each ring rendering

func willDisplayRing(_ graphView: CHRadarGraphView, index: Int)

Invoked after each ring rendering

func didDisplayRing(_ graphView: CHRadarGraphView, index: Int)

Invoked before each sector rendering

func willDisplaySector(_ graphView: CHRadarGraphView, sector: CHSectorCell, index: Int)

Invoked after each sector rendering

func didDisplaySector(_ graphView: CHRadarGraphView, sector: CHSectorCell, index: Int)

###DataSource methods:

Position and size of graph are automatically determined by center point and radius

func centerOfGraph(_ graphView: CHRadarGraphView) -> CGPoint
func radiusOfGraph(_ graphView: CHRadarGraphView) -> CGFloat

Height for largest sector cell. This would be the largest Y-value on on a classic bar chart.

func largestHeightForSectorCell(_ graphView: CHRadarGraphView) -> CGFloat

The total number of data points that CAN be shown on the graph.

func numberOfSectors(_ graphView: CHRadarGraphView) -> Int

The total number of data points that WILL be shown on the graph. For a graph that shows data around the entire 360 degress, this number should be equal to: func numberOfSectors(_ graphView: CHRadarGraphView) -> Int

func numberOfDataSectors(_ graphView: CHRadarGraphView) -> Int

The number of Y points on the graph. For example, if your largest Y-point is 10, there should be at least 10 rings shown.

func numberOfRings(_ graphView: CHRadarGraphView) -> Int

The angle on the graph where the first data point is rendered. Defaults to 0.

func startingAngleInDegrees(_ graphView: CHRadarGraphView) -> CGFloat

Similar to tableView#cellForRowAtIndexPath, the callback to render data on graph at specific positions.

Stroke colors and line widths:

func sectorCellForPositionAtIndex(_ graph: CHRadarGraphView, index: Int) -> CHSectorCell?
func backgroundColorOfGraph(_ graphView: CHRadarGraphView) -> UIColor
func strokeColorOfRings(_ graphView: CHRadarGraphView) -> UIColor
func strokeWidthOfRings(_ graphView: CHRadarGraphView) -> CGFloat
func strokeColorOfSectorLines(_ graphView: CHRadarGraphView) -> UIColor
func strokeWidthOfSectorLines(_ graphView: CHRadarGraphView) -> CGFloat

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Christopher Harris,


CHRadarGraph is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.