Some PHP
built-in functions implemented using Golang
Note: Due to the language features of Golang
and PHP
, some functions are not 100% compatible. For example, the maps in Golang are unordered, and when using http_ build_query
, the output order may be inconsistent. For example, arrays in Golang cannot be accessed outside the bounds, so there are restrictions on empty
, and so on.
is generated using the php-func-go
function by doc.go
You can run go test
in the dir tests
php function | golang function | input argvs | return type |
addslashes | Addslashes | s string | string |
array_key_exists | ArrayKeyExists | key interface{}, array interface{} | bool |
base64_decode | Base64Decode | encoded string | string |
base64_encode | Base64Encode | str string | string |
basename | Basename | path string, suffix ...string | string |
bin2hex | Bin2hex | input string | string |
checkdate | CheckDate | month, day, year int | bool |
chop | Chop | s string, charsToRemove ...string | string |
chr | Chr | codepoint int | string |
copy | Copy | src string, dest string | bool |
crc32 | Crc32 | s string | uint32 |
date | Date | format string, timestamp ...interface{} | string |
dirname | Dirname | path string, levels | string |
echo | Echo | args ...interface{} | |
empty | Empty | val interface{} | bool |
explode | Explode | delimiter string, str string | []string |
file_exists | FileExists | filename string | bool |
file_get_contents | FileGetContents | filename string | string |
file_put_contents | FilePutContents | filename string, data string, append | bool |
filectime | FileCTime | path string | int64 |
filemtime | FileMTime | path string | int64 |
filesize | Filesize | filename string | int64 |
getrandmax | Getrandmax | int | |
gettype | Gettype | any interface{} | string |
glob | Glob | pattern string | []string |
html_entity_decode | HtmlEntityDecode | s string | string |
htmlentities | HtmlEntities | s string | string |
htmlspecialchars | HtmlSpecialChars | s string | string |
htmlspecialchars_decode | HtmlSpecialCharsDecode | s string | string |
http_build_query | HttpBuildQuery | data interface{} | string |
implode | Implode | glue string, pieces []string | string |
in_array | InArray | needle interface{}, haystack interface{}, strict ...bool | bool |
is_dir | IsDir | path string | bool |
is_numeric | IsNumeric | value interface{} | bool |
is_readable | IsReadable | filename string | bool |
json_encode | JsonEncode | value interface{} | string |
lcfirst | Lcfirst | str string | string |
lcg_value | LcgValue | float64 | |
ltrim | Ltrim | s string, charsToRemove ...string | string |
mb_strlen | MbStrlen | str string | int |
mb_substr | MbSubStr | str string, start int, length | string |
md5 | Md5 | args ...interface{} | string |
md5_file | Md5File | path string, prevHash ...string | string |
microtime | Microtime | getAsFloat ...bool | interface |
mt_rand | MtRand | min int, max int | int |
nl2br | Nl2Br | s string, useXHTML ...bool | string |
ord | Ord | s string | int |
parse_url | ParseUrl | urlStr string | *urlInfo |
preg_replace | PregReplace | pattern string, replacement string, subject string | string |
preg_replace_callback | PregReplaceCallback | pattern string, subject string, callback func | string |
rawurldecode | RawUrlDecode | str string | (string, error |
rawurlencode | RawUrlEncode | str string | string |
rtrim | Rtrim | s string, charsToRemove ...string | string |
sha1 | Sha1 | s string | string |
sha1_file | Sha1File | filename string, binary ...bool | string |
sleep | Sleep | seconds int | |
str_contains | StrContains | haystack string, needle string | bool |
str_ends_with | StrEndsWith | haystack string, needle string | bool |
str_repeat | StrRepeat | input string, time int | string |
str_replace | StrReplace | search interface{}, replace string, subject interface{} | string |
str_starts_with | StrStartsWith | haystack string, needle string | bool |
str_word_count | StrWordCount | s string, format | interface |
strip_tags | StripTags | s string | string |
stripos | Stripos | haystack string, needle string | interface |
strlen | Strlen | str string | int |
strpos | Strpos | haystack string, needle string | interface |
strrev | Strrev | str string | string |
strstr | Strstr | s, substr string, options ...bool | string |
strtolower | StrToLower | s string | string |
strtotime | StrToTime | dateStr string | int64 |
strtoupper | StrToUpper | s string | string |
strval | Strval | any interface{} | string |
substr | SubStr | str string, start int, length | (substr string |
substr_count | SubstrCount | s, sub string, args | int |
substr_replace | SubstrReplace | str, replace string, start int, length | string |
time | Time | int64 | |
time_sleep_until | TimeSleepUntil | timestamp int64 | |
trim | Trim | str string, charlist ...string | string |
ucfirst | Ucfirst | s string | string |
ucwords | Ucwords | s string | string |
urldecode | UrlDecode | str string | string |
urlencode | UrlEncode | str string | string |
usleep | Usleep | microseconds int | |
var_dump | VarDump | v interface{} |