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Some PHP built-in functions implemented using Golang

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Some PHP built-in functions implemented using Golang


Note: Due to the language features of Golang and PHP, some functions are not 100% compatible. For example, the maps in Golang are unordered, and when using http_ build_query, the output order may be inconsistent. For example, arrays in Golang cannot be accessed outside the bounds, so there are restrictions on empty, and so on.



the is generated using the php-func-go function by doc.go


Unit Test

You can run go test in the dir tests

Function list

php function golang function input argvs return type
addslashes Addslashes s string string
array_key_exists ArrayKeyExists key interface{}, array interface{} bool
base64_decode Base64Decode encoded string string
base64_encode Base64Encode str string string
basename Basename path string, suffix ...string string
bin2hex Bin2hex input string string
checkdate CheckDate month, day, year int bool
chop Chop s string, charsToRemove ...string string
chr Chr codepoint int string
copy Copy src string, dest string bool
crc32 Crc32 s string uint32
date Date format string, timestamp ...interface{} string
dirname Dirname path string, levels string
echo Echo args ...interface{}
empty Empty val interface{} bool
explode Explode delimiter string, str string []string
file_exists FileExists filename string bool
file_get_contents FileGetContents filename string string
file_put_contents FilePutContents filename string, data string, append bool
filectime FileCTime path string int64
filemtime FileMTime path string int64
filesize Filesize filename string int64
getrandmax Getrandmax int
gettype Gettype any interface{} string
glob Glob pattern string []string
html_entity_decode HtmlEntityDecode s string string
htmlentities HtmlEntities s string string
htmlspecialchars HtmlSpecialChars s string string
htmlspecialchars_decode HtmlSpecialCharsDecode s string string
http_build_query HttpBuildQuery data interface{} string
implode Implode glue string, pieces []string string
in_array InArray needle interface{}, haystack interface{}, strict ...bool bool
is_dir IsDir path string bool
is_numeric IsNumeric value interface{} bool
is_readable IsReadable filename string bool
json_encode JsonEncode value interface{} string
lcfirst Lcfirst str string string
lcg_value LcgValue float64
ltrim Ltrim s string, charsToRemove ...string string
mb_strlen MbStrlen str string int
mb_substr MbSubStr str string, start int, length string
md5 Md5 args ...interface{} string
md5_file Md5File path string, prevHash ...string string
microtime Microtime getAsFloat ...bool interface
mt_rand MtRand min int, max int int
nl2br Nl2Br s string, useXHTML ...bool string
ord Ord s string int
parse_url ParseUrl urlStr string *urlInfo
preg_replace PregReplace pattern string, replacement string, subject string string
preg_replace_callback PregReplaceCallback pattern string, subject string, callback func string
rawurldecode RawUrlDecode str string (string, error
rawurlencode RawUrlEncode str string string
rtrim Rtrim s string, charsToRemove ...string string
sha1 Sha1 s string string
sha1_file Sha1File filename string, binary ...bool string
sleep Sleep seconds int
str_contains StrContains haystack string, needle string bool
str_ends_with StrEndsWith haystack string, needle string bool
str_repeat StrRepeat input string, time int string
str_replace StrReplace search interface{}, replace string, subject interface{} string
str_starts_with StrStartsWith haystack string, needle string bool
str_word_count StrWordCount s string, format interface
strip_tags StripTags s string string
stripos Stripos haystack string, needle string interface
strlen Strlen str string int
strpos Strpos haystack string, needle string interface
strrev Strrev str string string
strstr Strstr s, substr string, options ...bool string
strtolower StrToLower s string string
strtotime StrToTime dateStr string int64
strtoupper StrToUpper s string string
strval Strval any interface{} string
substr SubStr str string, start int, length (substr string
substr_count SubstrCount s, sub string, args int
substr_replace SubstrReplace str, replace string, start int, length string
time Time int64
time_sleep_until TimeSleepUntil timestamp int64
trim Trim str string, charlist ...string string
ucfirst Ucfirst s string string
ucwords Ucwords s string string
urldecode UrlDecode str string string
urlencode UrlEncode str string string
usleep Usleep microseconds int
var_dump VarDump v interface{}


Some PHP built-in functions implemented using Golang






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