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Authentication Plugin for Caddy v2 implementing Form-Based, Basic, Local, LDAP, OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0 (Github, Google, Facebook, Okta, etc.), SAML Authentication


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Authentication Plugin for Caddy v2 implementing Form-Based, Basic, Local, LDAP, OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0, SAML Authentication.

Please see other relevant plugins:

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Table of Contents


The purpose of this plugin is providing authentication only. The plugin issue JWT tokens upon successful authentication. In turn, the authorization of the tokens is being handled by caddy-auth-jwt.

The plugin supports the following authentication backends:

  • Local (local) - JSON flat file database
  • LDAP (ldap) - remote Microsoft AD database
  • SAML
  • OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (OIDC)

The plugin accepts user credentials for authentication with:

  • Form-based Authentication: POST with application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • Basic Authentication: GET with Authorization: Basic header

The following digram is visual representation of the configuration of caddy-auth-portal and caddy-auth-jwt.

Authentication Plugins

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Authentication Portal

User Identity

The following screenshot is from /auth/whoami endpoint:

User Settings

The following screenshot is from /auth/settings/ endpoint:

Multi-Factor Authentication MFA

Add MFA Authenticator Application

The following screenshot is from /auth/settings/mfa/add/app endpoint:

The QR Code displayed on the page complies Key Uri Format.

In your MFA application, e.g. Microsoft Authenticator, follow these steps to onboard your web account.


The theming of the portal works as follows.

It starts with a concept of theme. By default, the portal uses basic theme. There is no need to defind it in Caddyfile.

localhost {
  route /auth* {
    auth_portal {
      ui {
        theme basic

Each theme must have a set of default pages:

  • generic
  • login
  • portal
  • register
  • whoami
  • settings

The plain text templates are being stored in assets/templates/<THEME>/<PAGE>.template.


These templates are the parts of pkg/ui/pages.go. They are compiled in the portal's binary. That is, there is no need to store them on the disk.

Next, if a user wants to use a different template, then it could be passed via Caddyfile directives. Specifically, use <PAGE>_template directive to point to a file on disk.

localhost {
  route /auth* {
    auth_portal {
      ui {
        theme basic
        login_template "/etc/gatekeeper/ui/login.template"

TODO: Review Refactoring UI Feed and Refactoring UI Website.

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Authorization Cookie

Intra-Domain Cookies

The following Caddyfile settings define the scope of the cookies issued by the plugin. Specifically, what URLs the cookies should be sent to. See MDN - Using HTTP cookies - Define where cookies are sent for more information.

  • cookie_domain: adds the Domain attribute to a cookie. It determines which hosts are allowed to receive the cookie.
  • cookie_path: adds the Path attribute to a cookie. It determines the URL path that must exist in the requested URL in order to send the Cookie header.

JWT Tokens

The plugin sends JWT token via the cookie.

  • token_name: specifies the names of the cookie with authorization credentials

By default the lifetime of the token is 15 minutes. The token_lifetime can be used to change it to 1 hour (3600 seconds).

      jwt {
        token_name access_token
        token_secret 0e2fdcf8-6868-41a7-884b-7308795fc286
        token_issuer e1008f2d-ccfa-4e62-bbe6-c202ec2988cc
        token_lifetime 3600

The issued JWT token could be of two types:

  1. HS512: signed using shared secret key
  2. RS512: signed using private PEM key

The HS512 is being configured with token_secret

      jwt {
        # token_secret <shared_key>
        token_secret 0e2fdcf8-6868-41a7-884b-7308795fc286

The RS512 is being configured with token_rsa_file directive:

      jwt {
        token_rsa_file <key_id> <file_path>
        token_rsa_file Hz789bc303f0db /etc/gatekeeper/auth/jwt/sign_key.pem

If necessary, generate the signing key:

$ openssl genrsa -out /etc/gatekeeper/auth/jwt/sign_key.pem 2048
Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus (2 primes)
e is 65537 (0x010001)

JWT Signing Method

By default, the plugin uses HS512 (shared secret) and RS512 (public/private keys) for the signing of JWT tokens. User token_sign_method to change the algorithm, e.g.

      jwt {
        token_secret 0e2fdcf8-6868-41a7-884b-7308795fc286
        token_sign_method HS256


      jwt {
        token_rsa_file Hz789bc303f0db /etc/gatekeeper/auth/jwt/sign_key.pem
        token_sign_method RS256

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Usage Examples

Secure Prometheus

The following Caddyfile secures Prometheus/Alertmanager services:

  http_port     8080
  https_port    8443

localhost:8443 {
  route /auth* {
    auth_portal {
      path /auth
      backends {
        local_backend {
          method local
          path /etc/gatekeeper/auth/local/users.json
          realm local
      jwt {
        token_name access_token
        token_secret 0e2fdcf8-6868-41a7-884b-7308795fc286
        token_issuer e1008f2d-ccfa-4e62-bbe6-c202ec2988cc
      ui {
        links {
          "Prometheus" /prometheus
          "Alertmanager" /alertmanager
          "My App" /myapp

  route /prometheus* {
    jwt {
      primary yes
      trusted_tokens {
        static_secret {
          token_name access_token
          token_secret 0e2fdcf8-6868-41a7-884b-7308795fc286
          token_issuer e1008f2d-ccfa-4e62-bbe6-c202ec2988cc
      auth_url /auth
      allow roles anonymous guest admin
      allow roles superadmin
    uri strip_prefix /prometheus

  route /alertmanager* {
    uri strip_prefix /alertmanager

  route /myapp* {
    respond * "myapp" 200

  route /version* {
    respond * "1.0.0" 200

  route {
    redir https://{hostport}/auth 302

If you would like to style the UI differently, then specify your templates and settings:

      ui {
        login_template "/etc/gatekeeper/ui/login.template"
        portal_template "/etc/gatekeeper/ui/portal.template"
        logo_url ""
        logo_description "Caddy"
        links {
          "Prometheus" /prometheus
          "Alertmanager" /alertmanager
          "My App" /myapp

In fact, if you are not going to display any links, then remove the ui section and use an auto-redirect feature.

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Secure Kibana

First, add the following line in /etc/kibana/kibana.yml. It must match the the prefix used when proxying traffic through:

server.basePath: "/elk"

Next, add the following route in you Caddyfile:

  route /elk* {
    uri strip_prefix /elk
    reverse_proxy KIBANA_IP:5601

Also, add the link to Kibana in ui section of Caddyfile:

      ui {
        links {
          "Kibana" /elk/

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Authentication Methods

Basic Authentication

The following command demonstrates basic authentication process. The plugin returns JWT token via Set-Cookie: access_token and token field in JSON response.

curl --insecure -H "Accept: application/json" --user webadmin:password123 -v

The expected output is as follows:

* About to connect() to port 3443 (#0)
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 3443 (#0)
* Initializing NSS with certpath: sql:/etc/pki/nssdb
* skipping SSL peer certificate verification
* SSL connection using TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
* Server certificate:
*       subject: E=admin@caddy.local,OU=Local Developement,CN=*.caddy.localhost,L=Local Developement,O=Local Developement,ST=NY,C=US
*       start date: Mar 02 08:01:16 2020 GMT
*       expire date: Feb 28 08:01:16 2030 GMT
*       common name: *.caddy.localhost
*       issuer: E=admin@caddy.local,OU=Local Developement,CN=*.caddy.localhost,L=Local Developement,O=Local Developement,ST=NY,C=US
* Server auth using Basic with user 'webadmin'
> GET /auth HTTP/1.1
> Authorization: Basic d2ViYWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQxMjM=
> User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
> Host:
> Accept: application/json
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1OTE3MzE0NzksInN1YiI6IndlYmFkbWluIiwiZW1haWwiOiJ3ZWJhZG1pbkBsb2NhbGRvbWFpbi5sb2NhbCIsInJvbGVzIjpbInN1cGVyYWRtaW4iLCJndWVzdCIsImFub255bW91cyJdLCJvcmlnaW4iOiJsb2NhbGhvc3QifQ.OmFOCu-UJdx16FYLa2ezr7WRmOdUbgrQadhfk1tN4AliIwu69x9TLgzoke_Cr3TqzvMjlQDd22r-3DHBXuzllw
< Cache-Control: no-store
< Content-Type: application/json
< Pragma: no-cache
< Server: Caddy
< Set-Cookie: access_token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1OTE3MzE0NzksInN1YiI6IndlYmFkbWluIiwiZW1haWwiOiJ3ZWJhZG1pbkBsb2NhbGRvbWFpbi5sb2NhbCIsInJvbGVzIjpbInN1cGVyYWRtaW4iLCJndWVzdCIsImFub255bW91cyJdLCJvcmlnaW4iOiJsb2NhbGhvc3QifQ.OmFOCu-UJdx16FYLa2ezr7WRmOdUbgrQadhfk1tN4AliIwu69x9TLgzoke_Cr3TqzvMjlQDd22r-3DHBXuzllw Secure; HttpOnly;
< Date: Tue, 09 Jun 2020 19:22:59 GMT
< Content-Length: 318
* Connection #0 to host left intact

Form-Based Authentication


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User Interface Features

Auto-Redirect URL

Consider the following configuration snippet. When the JWT plugin detects unauthenticated user, it forwards the user to The redirect_url in URL query creates AUTH_PORTAL_REDIRECT_URL cookie in the users session. Upon successful authentication, the portal clears the cookie and redirects the user to the path specified in AUTH_PORTAL_REDIRECT_URL cookie. {
  jwt {

User Registration

The following Caddy configuration enables user registration.

registration {
  dropbox /etc/gatekeeper/auth/local/registrations_db.json
  title "User Registration"
  code "NY2020"
  require accept_terms
  require domain_mx

The parameters are:

  • dropbox: The file path pointing to registration database.
  • code: The registration code. A user must know what that code is to successfully submit a registration request.
  • require accept_terms: A user must accept terms and conditions, as well as privacy policy to proceed
  • disabled on: disables user registration
  • title: changes the title of the registration page
  • require domain_mx: forces the check of domain MX record

This screenshot is the registration screen with default options:

The following is the registration screen with mandatory registration code and the acceptable of terms and conditions:

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Custom CSS Styles

The following Caddyfile directive adds a custom CSS stylesheet to the plugin's pages. The stylesheet is available under auth/assets/css/custom.css

      ui {
        custom_css_path path/to/styles.css

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Custom Javascript

The following Caddyfile directive adds a custom javascript file to the plugin's pages. The script is available under auth/assets/js/custom.js

      ui {
        custom_js_path path/to/script.js

This directive is usefule for adding Google Analytics or other minor javascript code.

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Local Authentication Backend

Configuration Primer

Please refer to the assets/conf/local/config.json configuration file when configurin the plugin backend. In the example, the route refers to local backend in the file assets/backends/local/users.json. Specify the path to the file where you want your database to reside. Do not create a file, but rather create leading directories.

For example, create /etc/caddy/auth/local directory and specify the path value as:

"path": "/etc/caddy/auth/local/users.json",

Next, start the server, and find the following following log entries:

{"level":"info","ts":1588704471.5784082,"logger":"http.authentication.providers.portal","msg":"created new user","user_id":"cd5f647a-cc04-4ae2-9d0a-2d5e9b95cf98","user_name":"webadmin","user_email":"webadmin@localdomain.local","user_claims":{"roles":"superadmin"}}
{"level":"info","ts":1588704471.5784378,"logger":"http.authentication.providers.portal","msg":"created default superadmin user for the database","user_name":"webadmin","user_secret":"d87e7749-0dd8-482b-91a2-ada370263293"}

Identity Store

The user_name and user_secret are password for the superuser in the database.

The plugin creates the following a file having the following structure.

  "revision": 1,
  "users": [
      "id": "cd5f647a-cc04-4ae2-9d0a-2d5e9b95cf98",
      "username": "webadmin",
      "email_addresses": [
          "address": "webadmin@localdomain.local",
          "domain": "localdomain.local"
      "passwords": [
          "purpose": "generic",
          "type": "bcrypt",
          "hash": "$2a$10$B67nHY0PEdxLYdyoLk1YLOomvs.T/dSIyzPuoX9vWULrsD3PRf/sq",
          "cost": 10,
          "expired_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
          "created_at": "2020-05-05T18:47:51.513552501Z",
          "disabled_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
      "created": "2020-05-05T18:47:51.513552066Z",
      "last_modified": "2020-05-05T18:47:51.513552175Z",
      "roles": [
          "name": "superadmin"

Finally, browse to /auth and login with the username and password:

Password Management

An administrator may change the password directly in /etc/caddy/auth/local/users.json file.

First, download bcrypt-cli:

go get -u

Then, use it to generate a new password:

$ echo -n "password123" | bcrypt-cli -c 10

Finally, replace the newly generated password is user database file.

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LDAP Authentication Backend

It is recommended reading the documentation for Local backend, because it outlines important principles of operation of all backends.

Additionally, the LDAP backend works in conjunction with Local backend. As you will see later, the two can be used together by introducing a dropdown in UI interface to choose local versus LDAP domain authentication.

The reference configuration for the backend is assets/conf/ldap/config.json.

The following Caddy endpoint at /auth authentications users from domain.

There is a single LDAP server associated with the domain: ldaps://

The plugin DOES NOT ignore certificate errors when connecting to the servers. However, one may ignore the errors by setting ignore_cert_errors to true.

As a better alternative to ignoring certificate errors, the plugin allows adding trusted certificate authorities via trusted_authority Caddyfile directive:

          servers {
          trusted_authority /etc/gatekeeper/tls/trusted_authority/contoso_com_root1_ca_cert.pem
          trusted_authority /etc/gatekeeper/tls/trusted_authority/contoso_com_root2_ca_cert.pem
          trusted_authority /etc/gatekeeper/tls/trusted_authority/contoso_com_root3_ca_cert.pem

The LDAP attribute mapping to JWT fields is as follows.

JWT Token Field LDAP Attribute
name givenName
surname sn
username sAMAccountName
member_of memberOf
email mail

The plugin uses authzsvc domain user to perform LDAP bind.

The base search DN is DC=CONTOSO,DC=COM.

The plugin accepts username (sAMAccountName) or email address (mail) and uses the following search filter: (&(|(sAMAccountName=%s)(mail=%s))(objectclass=user)).

For example:

        "Name": "sAMAccountName",
        "Values": [
        "Name": "mail",
        "Values": [

Upon successful authentication, the plugin assign the following rules to a user, provided the user is a member of a group:

JWT Role LDAP Group Membership
admin CN=Admins,OU=Security,OU=Groups,DC=CONTOSO,DC=COM
editor CN=Editors,OU=Security,OU=Groups,DC=CONTOSO,DC=COM
viewer CN=Viewers,OU=Security,OU=Groups,DC=CONTOSO,DC=COM

The security of the password could be improved by the following techniques:

  • pass the password via environment variable LDAP_USER_SECRET
  • store the password in a file and pass the file inside the password field with file: prefix, e.g. file:/path/to/password.

Configuration Primer

The following Caddyfile secures Prometheus/Alertmanager services. Users may access using local and LDAP credentials.

  http_port     8080
  https_port    8443
} {
  route /auth* {
    auth_portal {
      path /auth
      backends {
        local_backend {
          method local
          path assets/conf/local/auth/user_db.json
          realm local
        ldap_backend {
          method ldap
          servers {
          trusted_authority /etc/gatekeeper/tls/trusted_authority/contoso_com_root1_ca_cert.pem
          trusted_authority /etc/gatekeeper/tls/trusted_authority/contoso_com_root2_ca_cert.pem
          trusted_authority /etc/gatekeeper/tls/trusted_authority/contoso_com_root3_ca_cert.pem
          attributes {
            name givenName
            surname sn
            username sAMAccountName
            member_of memberOf
            email mail
          username "CN=authzsvc,OU=Service Accounts,OU=Administrative Accounts,DC=CONTOSO,DC=COM"
          # password "P@ssW0rd123"
          password "file:/etc/gatekeeper/auth/ldap.secret"
          search_base_dn "DC=CONTOSO,DC=COM"
          search_filter "(&(|(sAMAccountName=%s)(mail=%s))(objectclass=user))"
          groups {
            "CN=Admins,OU=Security,OU=Groups,DC=CONTOSO,DC=COM" admin
            "CN=Editors,OU=Security,OU=Groups,DC=CONTOSO,DC=COM" editor
            "CN=Viewers,OU=Security,OU=Groups,DC=CONTOSO,DC=COM" viewer
      jwt {
        token_name access_token
        token_secret 0e2fdcf8-6868-41a7-884b-7308795fc286
        token_issuer e1008f2d-ccfa-4e62-bbe6-c202ec2988cc
      ui {
        logo_url ""
        logo_description "Caddy"
        links {
          "Prometheus" /prometheus
          "Alertmanager" /alertmanager
          "My App" /myapp

  route /prometheus* {
    jwt {
      primary yes
      trusted_tokens {
        static_secret {
          token_name access_token
          token_secret 0e2fdcf8-6868-41a7-884b-7308795fc286
          token_issuer e1008f2d-ccfa-4e62-bbe6-c202ec2988cc
      auth_url /auth
      allow roles anonymous guest admin
      allow roles superadmin
      allow roles admin editor viewer
      allow roles AzureAD_Administrator AzureAD_Editor AzureAD_Viewer
    uri strip_prefix /prometheus

  route /alertmanager* {
    uri strip_prefix /alertmanager

  route /myapp* {
    respond * "myapp" 200

  route /version* {
    respond * "1.0.0" 200

  route {
    redir https://{hostport}/auth 302

LDAP Authentication Process

The plugin does not keep connections open to LDAP servers. The plugin tears a connection down each time it finishes authenticating a request associated with the connection.

First, the plugin uses username and password to bind to an LDAP server. The purpose of the connection is searching for user objects in the server's directory.

The plugin takes the username provided in a request. Next, the plugin substitutes %s with the username in its search filter, i.e. (&(|(sAMAccountName=%s)(mail=%s))(objectclass=user)).

The plugin initiates a search for a user object in the scope provided via search_base_dn, e.g. DC=CONTOSO,DC=COM.

If the number of objects in the result of the search is not 1, then authentication fails.

Typically, the response would have the following structure:

    "DN": "CN=Smith\\, John,OU=Users,DC=CONTOSO,DC=COM",
    "Attributes": [
        "Name": "sn",
        "Values": [
        "Name": "givenName",
        "Values": [
        "Name": "memberOf",
        "Values": [
        "Name": "sAMAccountName",
        "Values": [
        "Name": "mail",
        "Values": [

The plugin iterates over memberOf attribute and compares the values to its group mapping:

              "groups": [
                  "dn": "CN=Admins,OU=Security,OU=Groups,DC=CONTOSO,DC=COM",
                  "roles": [
                  "dn": "CN=Editors,OU=Security,OU=Groups,DC=CONTOSO,DC=COM",
                  "roles": [
                  "dn": "CN=Viewers,OU=Security,OU=Groups,DC=CONTOSO,DC=COM",
                  "roles": [

If there are no matches, the authentication fails.

Once the plugin determines the user's roles, e.g. admin, editor, viewer, the plugin actually checks whether the user's password is valid.

It does so by doing LDAP re-binding with the user's DN and the password provided in the request. In this example, the user's DN is CN=Smith\\, John,OU=Users,DC=CONTOSO,DC=COM.

If the re-binding is successful, the plugin issues a JWT token.

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SAML Authentication Backend

The plugin supports the following SAML identity providers (IdP):

  • Azure Active Directory (Office 365) Applications

If you would like to see the support for the following identity providers, please reach out:

  • Salesforce
  • Okta
  • Ping Identity

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Time Synchronization

Importantly, SAML assertion validation checks timestamps. It is critical that the application validating the assertions maintains accurate clock. The out of sync time WILL result in failed authentications.


The following configuration is common across variations of SAML backend:

      backends {
        azure_saml_backend {
          method saml
          realm azure
          provider azure
Parameter Name Description
method Must be set to saml
realm The realm is used to distinguish between various SAML authentication providers
provider It is either generic or specific, e.g. azure, okta, etc.

The URL for the SAML endpoint is: <AUTH_PORTAL_PATH>/saml/<REALM_NAME>.

If you specify realm as azure and the portal is being served at /auth, then you could access the endpoint via /auth/saml/azure.

The Reply URL could be https://localhost:8443/auth/saml/azure.

Azure Active Directory (Office 365) Applications

Azure AD SAML Configuration

The Azure SAML backend configuration:

      backends {
        azure_saml_backend {
          method saml
          realm azure
          provider azure
          idp_metadata_location /etc/gatekeeper/auth/idp/azure_ad_app_metadata.xml
          idp_sign_cert_location /etc/gatekeeper/auth/idp/azure_ad_app_signing_cert.pem
          tenant_id "1b9e886b-8ff2-4378-b6c8-6771259a5f51"
          application_id "623cae7c-e6b2-43c5-853c-2059c9b2cb58"
          application_name "My Gatekeeper"
          entity_id "urn:caddy:mygatekeeper"
          acs_url https://mygatekeeper/auth/saml/azure
          acs_url https://mygatekeeper.local/auth/saml/azure
          acs_url https://localhost:3443/auth/saml/azure

The plugin supports the following parameters for Azure Active Directory (Office 365) applications:

Parameter Name Description
idp_metadata_location The url or path to Azure IdP Metadata
idp_sign_cert_location The path to Azure IdP Signing Certificate
tenant_id Azure Tenant ID
application_id Azure Application ID
application_name Azure Application Name
entity_id Azure Application Identifier (Entity ID)
acs_url Assertion Consumer Service URLs

Use the acs_url directive to list all URLs the users of the application can reach it at. One URL per line:

  acs_url https://mygatekeeper/auth/saml/azure
  acs_url https://mygatekeeper.local/auth/saml/azure
  acs_url https://localhost:3443/auth/saml/azure

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Set Up Azure AD Application

In Azure AD, you will have an application, e.g. "My Gatekeeper".

The application is a Caddy web server running on port 3443 on localhost. This example meant to emphasize that the authorization is asynchronious. That is when a user clicks on "My Gatekeeper" icon in Office 365, the browser takes the user to a sign in page at URL https://localhost:3443/saml.

Azure AD App Registration - Overview

The Application Identifiers are as follows:

  • Application (client) ID: 623cae7c-e6b2-43c5-853c-2059c9b2cb58
  • Directory (tenant) ID: 1b9e886b-8ff2-4378-b6c8-6771259a5f51
  • Object ID: 515d2e8b-7548-413f-abee-a23ece1ea576

The "Branding" page configures "Home Page URL".

Azure AD App Registration - Branding

For demostration purposes, we will create the following "Roles" in the application:

Azure Role Name Role Name in SAML Assertion
Viewer AzureAD_Viewer
Editor AzureAD_Editor
Administrator AzureAD_Administrator

Use "Manifest" tab to add roles in the manifest via appRoles key:

Azure AD App Registration - Manifest - User Roles

  "allowedMemberTypes": [
  "description": "Administrator",
  "displayName": "Administrator",
  "id": "91287df2-7028-4d5f-b5ae-5d489ba217dd",
  "isEnabled": true,
  "lang": null,
  "origin": "Application",
  "value": "AzureAD_Administrator"
  "allowedMemberTypes": [
  "description": "Editor",
  "displayName": "Editor",
  "id": "d482d827-1757-4f60-9bea-021c10037674",
  "isEnabled": true,
  "lang": null,
  "origin": "Application",
  "value": "AzureAD_Editor"
  "allowedMemberTypes": [
  "description": "Viewer",
  "displayName": "Viewer",
  "id": "c69f7abd-0a88-401e-b515-92d74b6fff2f",
  "isEnabled": true,
  "lang": null,
  "origin": "Application",
  "value": "AzureAD_Viewer"

After, we added the roles, we could assign any of the roles to a user:

Azure AD App - Users and Groups - Add User

The app is now available to the provisioned users in Office 365:

Office 365 - Access Application

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Configure SAML Authentication

Go to "Enterprise Application" and browse to "My Gatekeeper" application.

There, click "Single Sign-On" and select "SAML" as the authentication method.

Azure AD App - Enable SAML

Next, in the "Set up Single Sign-On with SAML", provide the following "Basic SAML Configuration":

  • Identifier (Entity ID): urn:caddy:mygatekeeper
  • Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL): https://localhost:3443/auth/saml/azure

Azure AD App - Basic SAML Configuration

Under "User Attributes & Claims", add the following claims to the list of default claims:

Namespace Claim name Value RoleSessionName user.userprincipalname Role user.assignedroles MaxSessionDuration 3600

Azure AD App - User Attributes and Claims

Next, record the following:

  • App Federation Metadata Url
  • Login URL

Further, download:

  • Federation Metadata XML
  • Certificate (Base64 and Raw)

Azure AD App - SAML Signing Certificate

⬆️ Back to Top

Azure AD IdP Metadata and Certificate

The following command downloads IdP metadata file for Azure AD Tenant with ID 1b9e886b-8ff2-4378-b6c8-6771259a5f51. Please note the xmllint utility is a part of libxml2 library.

mkdir -p /etc/gatekeeper/auth/saml/idp/
curl -s -L -o /tmp/federationmetadata.xml
sudo mkdir -p /etc/gatekeeper/auth/saml/idp/
cat /tmp/federationmetadata.xml | xmllint --format - | sudo tee /etc/gatekeeper/auth/saml/idp/azure_ad_app_metadata.xml

The /etc/gatekeeper/auth/saml/idp/azure_ad_app_metadata.xml contains IdP metadata. This file contains the data necessary to verify the SAML claims received by this service and signed by Azure AD. The idp_metadata argument is being used to pass the location of IdP metadata.

Next, download the "Certificate (Base64)" and store it in /etc/gatekeeper/auth/saml/idp/azure_ad_app_signing_cert.pem.

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User Interface Options

First option is a login button on the login server web page. Once Azure AD has been enabled, the /auth/saml/azure page will have "Sign in with Office 365" button

Azure AD App - Login with Azure Button

Second option is Office 365 applications. When a user click on the application's icon in Office 365, the user gets redirected to the web server by Office 365.

Office 365 - Access Application

The URL is https://localhost:3443/auth/saml/azure.

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Development Notes

The below are the headers of the redirected POST request that the user's browser makes upon clicking "My Gatekeeper" application:

Method: POST
URL: /auth/saml/azure
Protocol: HTTP/2.0
Host: localhost:3443
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9,ru;q=0.8
Cache-Control: max-age=0
Content-Length: 7561
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate
Sec-Fetch-Site: cross-site
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1

The above redirect contains in the request's Referer header. It is the trigger to perform SAML-based authorization.

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OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (OIDC) Authentication Backend

OAuth 2.0 Flow

Generally, a developer must create an "Application" with and identity provider. e.g. Google, Okta, Azure, etc., and obtain OAuth 2.0 "Client ID" and "Client Secret".

The authentication flow begins with obtaining "Authorization Code" from an identity provider.

  • What does the portal send to Okta?

    • Client ID
    • Redirect URI
    • Response Type
    • Scope
  • What does the portal receive from Okta?

    • Authorization Code

Once, the portal has the "Authorization Code", it could get "Access Token" to access the user's data at the identity provider.

  • What does the portal send to Okta?

    • Authorization Code
    • Client ID
    • Client Secret
  • What does Okta respond with?

    • Access Token
  • What could the portal use "Access Token" for?

    • Make API calls to obtain user information

The OpenID Connect (OIDC) adds login and profile information about the person who is logged in. The differences between standard OAuth2.0 flow are:

  1. In the initial request, a specific scope of openid is used
  2. In the final exchange the Client receives both an "Access Token" and an "ID Token" (JWT Token).


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Adding Role Claims

The Caddyfile user directive allows adding roles to a user based on the user's email.

A user with email claim of would get an additional superuser role.

          user add role superuser

A user with the email address beginning with jsmith would get additional roles. Specifically, it would be viewer, editor, and admin.

          user "^greenpau" regex add roles viewer editor admin

All users with email address would get "employee" role:

          user "$" regex add role employee

In sum, Caddyfile may look as follows:

myapp.localdomain.local, localhost, {
  route /auth* {
    auth_portal {
      path /auth
      backends {
        google_oauth2_backend {
          method oauth2
          realm google
          provider google
          client_secret YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
          scopes openid email profile
          user "^greenpau" regex add role superuser

OAuth 2.0 Authorization Servers and Identity Providers

The Caddyfile snippet for generic (non-specific) OAuth 2.0 backend.

Based on the below configuration, OAuth 2.0 endpoint is /auth/oauth2/generic. If a user browses to the endpoint, the user will be redirected to the provider discovered via metadata_url and base_auth_url URLs., localhost {
  route /auth* {
    auth_portal {
      backends {
        generic_oauth2_backend {
          method oauth2
          realm generic
          provider generic
          client_id XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
          client_secret YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
          scopes openid email profile

Next, protect a route, e.g. /sso/oauth2/generic*. When a user accesses the page, the the user will be redirected to /auth/oauth2/generic and, then, to the provider. Once authenticated, the user will be redirected back to /sso/oauth2/generic..., i.e. back to the path the user came from.

  route /sso/oauth2/generic* {
    jwt {
      auth_url /auth/oauth2/generic
    respond * "generic oauth2 sso" 200


Create an "Application," by browsing to "Applications" and clicking "Add Application" button.

For a website, the choice is "Web".

Okta Developer - New App Choice

Provided your application is running on localhost port 8443, provide the following information:

Base URI entries:

  • https://myapp.localdomain.local:8443/
  • https://localhost:8443/

Login redirect URIs:

  • https://myapp.localdomain.local:8443/auth/oauth2/okta/authorization-code-callback
  • https://localhost:8443/auth/oauth2/okta/authorization-code-callback

Logout redirect URIs:

  • https://myapp.localdomain.local:8443/auth/logout
  • https://localhost:8443/auth/logout

Group Assignments:

  • Everyone
  • Viewer
  • Editor
  • Administrator

Grant type allowed:

  • Client acting on behalf of itself
    • Client Credentials: No
  • Client acting on behalf of a user
    • Authorization Code: Yes
    • Refresh Token: No
    • Implicit (Hybrid): No

Okta Developer - New App Setup

Review the newly created application.

Okta Developer - Settings - General

Store the credentials securely.

Okta Developer - Settings - Client Credentials

Review default Sign On Policy.

Okta Developer - Settings - Sign On

By default, the default Authorization Server has no groups scope.

Therefore, browse to "API", "Authorization Servers" and select "default".

Okta Developer - API

Okta Developer - API

Next, browse to "Scopes" and click "Add Scope".

Fill out the "Add Scope" form:

  • Name: groups
  • Description: This allows the app to view your group memberships.
  • Check "Set as a default scope"
  • Check "Include in public metadata"

Okta Developer - Add Scope

Next, browse to "Claims" and click "Add Claim".

Fill out the "Add Claim" form:

  • Name: groups
  • Include in token type: "ID Token", "Always"
  • Value type: Groups
  • Filter: Matches .* regex
  • Include in: The "groups" scope

Okta Developer - Add Scope

Next, review Okta OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 API - Get Started.

The Caddyfile snipper for Okta OAuth 2.0 backend is as follows.

Based on the below configuration, Okta endpoint is /auth/oauth2/okta. If a user browses to the endpoint, the user will be redirected to Okta., localhost {
  route /auth* {
    auth_portal {
      backends {
        okta_oauth2_backend {
          method oauth2
          realm okta
          provider okta
          client_id 0oa121qw81PJW0Tj34x7
          client_secret b3aJC5E59hU18YKC7Yca3994F4qFhWiAo_ZojanF
          server_id default
          scopes openid email profile groups

Next, protect a route, e.g. /sso/oauth2/okta*. When a user accesses the page, the the user will be redirected to /auth/oauth2/okta and, then, to Okta. Once authenticated, the user will be redirected back to /sso/oauth2/okta..., i.e. back to the path the user came from.

  route /sso/oauth2/okta* {
    jwt {
      auth_url /auth/oauth2/okta
    respond * "okta oauth2 sso" 200

Provided the Okta domain is, the authorization server is default, and Client ID is 0oa121qw81PJW0Tj34x7, check OpenID configuration:

curl -X GET "" | jq

By default, the plugin logs public keys from keys endpoint.

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Google Identity Platform


The Caddyfile snippet for Google OAuth 2.0 OpenID backend is as follows.

Based on the below configuration, Google endpoint is /auth/oauth2/google. If a user browses to the endpoint, the user will be redirected to Google., localhost {
  route /auth* {
    auth_portal {
      backends {
        google_oauth2_backend {
          method oauth2
          realm google
          provider google
          client_secret YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
          scopes openid email profile

Next, protect a route, e.g. /sso/oauth2/google*. When a user accesses the page, the the user will be redirected to /auth/oauth2/google and, then, to Google. Once authenticated, the user will be redirected back to /sso/oauth2/google..., i.e. back to the path the user came from.

  route /sso/oauth2/google* {
    jwt {
      auth_url /auth/oauth2/google
    respond * "google oauth2 sso" 200

First, create new application, e.g. "My Gatekeeper".

Google Identity Platform - Identity Platform - New Application

After the creation of the app, you will land on Credentials page.

Google Identity Platform - Identity Platform - Credentials

Click "Configure Consent Screen" and select an appropriate option, e.g. "External".

Google Identity Platform - Identity Platform - Consent Screen

Next, provide the name for the application, e.g. "My Gatekeeper" and select appropriate support email.

Google Identity Platform - Identity Platform - Consent Screen Configuration

After configuring the consent screen you will see the following.

Google Identity Platform - Identity Platform - Consent Screen Verification

Next, browse to "Credentials" and click "Create Credentials". Then, choose "OAuth client ID":

Google Identity Platform - Identity Platform - New Credentials

First, choose the type of credentials:

Google Identity Platform - Identity Platform - Consent Screen

Next, provide Redirect URL:

Google Identity Platform - Identity Platform - Consent Screen

Login redirect URIs:

  • https://localhost:8443/auth/oauth2/google/authorization-code-callback

Finally, you will get a confirmation. Store the Client ID and Client Secret securely.

Google Identity Platform - Identity Platform - Consent Screen

⬆️ Back to Top


First, browse to and create an application.

LinkedIn Developers - New Application

Next, note the "Client Secret"

LinkedIn Developers - Auth Screen

After that, add "redirect URLS":


LinkedIn Developers - Auth Screen - Redirect URLs

Next, browse to "Products" tab and enabled "Sign In with LinkedIn":

LinkedIn Developers - Products Screen




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Follow the instructions at

GitHub App name: "My Gatekeeper"

Description: "Caddy v2 Authentication Portal"

Homepage URL: https://localhost:8443/

User authorization callback URL: https://localhost:8443/auth/oauth2/github/authorization-code-callback

Check "Expire user authorization tokens".

Check "Request user authorization (OAuth) during installation"

Upon successful completion of the instructions, you will get:

Settings - Developer settings - GitHub Apps - My Gatekeeper

Additionally, click "generate a private key" to sign access token requests.

Settings - Developer settings - GitHub Apps - My Gatekeeper - Private Keys

Caddyfile configuration:

        github_oauth2_backend {
          method oauth2
          realm github
          provider github
          client_id CLIENT_ID
          client_secret CLIENT_SECRET
          scopes user

The github provider does not have mail claim, i.e. email address. Therefore, if there is a need to assign a role to a user, one could user user directive to match on sub, i.e. subject claim. The sub claim is in the format of<GITHUB_HANDLE>.

        github_oauth2_backend {
          user add role superuser

The users authenticating via Github would have to accept the terms:

Settings - Developer settings - GitHub Apps - My Gatekeeper - Accept Terms Screen

⬆️ Back to Top


Browse to and click "Create App".

Facebook Developers - Apps

When asked about "What do you need your app to do?", choose "Build Connected Experiences".

Facebook Developers - New App - App Type

Next, choose the name for the application:

Facebook Developers - New App - App Name

Once your app (in this case App ID is 38409328409) is available, click "Set Up" next to "Facebook Login" product:

Facebook Developers - App Screen

When at Quickstart screen, select "Other".

Next, click "Settings - Advanced" on the left navigation bar and browse to "Security" section.

Set "Require App Secret" to "Yes". The Client Token is not being used because client_secret is being used to calculate appsecret_proof.

Facebook Developers - App Settings - Advanced

Next, click "Settings - Basic" on the left navigation bar and extract "App Secret". The App Secret is used in client_secret Caddyfile directive.

Facebook Developers - App Settings - Basic

Next, click "Settings" under "Facebook Login" on the left navigation bar and browse to "Client OAuth Settings" section:

Set "Valid OAuth Redirect URIs" to:

  • https://localhost:8443/auth/oauth2/facebook/authorization-code-callback

Facebook Developers - Facebook Login - Settings

Additionally, add the URL in "Redirect URI Validator":

  • https://localhost:8443/auth/oauth2/facebook/authorization-code-callback

The Caddyfile config is as follows:, localhost {
  route /auth* {
    auth_portal {
      backends {
        facebook_oauth2_backend {
          method oauth2
          realm facebook
          provider facebook
          client_id 38409328409
          client_secret 11899bfcd5745a8ed20235c65638f311

When a user get redirected to Facebook Login, the screen looks as follows:

Facebook Developers - Facebook Login - User Login

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X.509 Certificate-based Authentication Backend


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Binding to Privileged Ports

It may be necessary to bind Caddy to privileged port, e.g. 80 or 443. Grant the cap_net_bind_service capability to the Caddy binary, e.g.:

sudo systemctl stop gatekeeper
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/gatekeeper
sudo cp bin/caddy /usr/local/bin/gatekeeper
sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep /usr/local/bin/gatekeeper
sudo systemctl start gatekeeper

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Recording Source IP Address in JWT Token

The enable source ip tracking Caddyfile directive instructs the plugin to record the source IP address when issuing claims.

localhost {
  route /auth* {
    auth_portal {
      enable source ip tracking

This could be useful to force re-authentication when the client IP address changes.

Session ID Cache

When the plugin issues JWT tokens, it either passes jti values from upstream providers or generates its own jti values.

The plugin stores the mappings between jti value and associated data in a cache. The associated data contains claims and the metadata from the backend which authenticated a particular session.

This cache is used to assess whether a claim holder is able using certain portal's capabilities, e.g. add public SSH/GPG key, configure MFA tokens, change password, etc.

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Caddyfile Shortcuts

The following snippet with either jwt_token_file or jwt_token_rsa_file Caddyfile directive:

    auth_portal {
      jwt_token_file 1 /etc/caddy/auth/jwt/jwt_privatekey.pem
      jwt_token_rsa_file 2 /etc/caddy/auth/jwt/jwt_privatekey.pem


    auth_portal {
      jwt {
        token_rsa_file 1 /etc/caddy/auth/jwt/jwt_privatekey.pem

The following snippet with jwt_token_name Caddyfile directive:

    auth_portal {
      jwt_token_name access_token


    auth_portal {
      jwt {
        token_name access_token

The following snippet with jwt_token_secret Caddyfile directive:

    auth_portal {
      jwt_token_secret bcc8fd6e-8e45-493e-a146-f178ac676841


    auth_portal {
      jwt {
        token_secret bcc8fd6e-8e45-493e-a146-f178ac676841

The following snippet with jwt_token_lifetime Caddyfile directive:

    auth_portal {
      jwt_token_lifetime 3600


    auth_portal {
      jwt {
        token_lifetime 3600


Authentication Plugin for Caddy v2 implementing Form-Based, Basic, Local, LDAP, OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0 (Github, Google, Facebook, Okta, etc.), SAML Authentication







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