Generate Reddit posts of any users through HuggingFace's Transformers library
- An registered reddit web app
- Python 3.10.4
- Docker or Poetry
##Setting up credentials SnooSpoof gathers the latest post data of any user in order to finetune any pre-trained model. Therefore, we must supply valid web app credentials to read data.
Clone the project and modify the client_id and client_secret to your corresponding web app credentials:
user_agent=SnooSpoof read-only at
The fastest way to run the API is to build and run the Docker image.
Run the following command to build and start the container:
sudo docker compose run --build --service-ports --detach api
where SNOOSPOOF_API_HOST and SNOOSPOOF_API_PORT is the host and port of choice
It is possible to run the API without Docker. First install the dependencies with Poetry:
poetry install
Then link the credentials and move to the source directory:
ln -s "$PWD/praw.ini" ./src/SnooSpoof && cd ./src/SnooSpoof
and execute the following command:
uvicorn api.middleman:app --reload