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backupccl: move online restore code into restore_online.go
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stevendanna committed Nov 15, 2023
1 parent 2ebdcfb commit 236b9ba
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Showing 4 changed files with 193 additions and 165 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion pkg/ccl/backupccl/BUILD.bazel
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ go_library(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -181,7 +182,6 @@ go_test(
"restore_entry_cover_generated_test.go", # keep
Expand All @@ -191,6 +191,7 @@ go_test(
Expand Down
164 changes: 0 additions & 164 deletions pkg/ccl/backupccl/restore_job.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ import (
bulkutil ""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -93,14 +92,6 @@ var restoreStatsInsertionConcurrency = settings.RegisterIntSetting(

var onlineRestoreLinkWorkers = settings.RegisterByteSizeSetting(
"workers to use for online restore worker phase",

// rewriteBackupSpanKey rewrites a backup span start key for the purposes of
// splitting up the target key-space to send out the actual work of restoring.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3222,161 +3213,6 @@ func (r *restoreResumer) cleanupTempSystemTables(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil

func sendAddRemoteSSTWorker(
execCtx sql.JobExecContext, restoreSpanEntriesCh <-chan execinfrapb.RestoreSpanEntry,
) func(context.Context) error {
return func(ctx context.Context) error {
var toAdd []execinfrapb.RestoreFileSpec
var batchSize int64
const targetBatchSize = 384 << 20

flush := func(splitAt roachpb.Key) error {
if len(toAdd) == 0 {
return nil

if len(splitAt) > 0 {
expiration := execCtx.ExecCfg().Clock.Now().AddDuration(time.Hour)
if err := execCtx.ExecCfg().DB.AdminSplit(ctx, splitAt, expiration); err != nil {
log.Warningf(ctx, "failed to split during experimental restore: %v", err)

for _, file := range toAdd {
// NB: Since the restored span is a subset of the BackupFileEntrySpan,
// these counts may be an overestimate of what actually gets restored.
counts := file.BackupFileEntryCounts

loc := kvpb.AddSSTableRequest_RemoteFile{
Locator: file.Dir.URI,
Path: file.Path,
BackingFileSize: uint64(counts.DataSize),
// TODO(dt): see if KV has any better ideas for making these up.
fileStats := &enginepb.MVCCStats{
ContainsEstimates: 1,
KeyBytes: counts.DataSize / 2,
ValBytes: counts.DataSize / 2,
LiveBytes: counts.DataSize,
KeyCount: counts.Rows + counts.IndexEntries,
LiveCount: counts.Rows + counts.IndexEntries,
var err error
_, _, err = execCtx.ExecCfg().DB.AddRemoteSSTable(ctx,
file.BackupFileEntrySpan, loc,
if err != nil {
return err
toAdd = nil
batchSize = 0
return nil

for entry := range restoreSpanEntriesCh {
firstSplitDone := false
for _, file := range entry.Files {
restoringSubspan := file.BackupFileEntrySpan.Intersect(entry.Span)
log.Infof(ctx, "Experimental restore: sending span %s of file (path: %s, span: %s), with intersecting subspan %s",
file.BackupFileEntrySpan, file.Path, file.BackupFileEntrySpan, restoringSubspan)

if !restoringSubspan.Valid() {
log.Warningf(ctx, "backup file does not intersect with the restoring span")

file.BackupFileEntrySpan = restoringSubspan
if !firstSplitDone {
expiration := execCtx.ExecCfg().Clock.Now().AddDuration(time.Hour)
if err := execCtx.ExecCfg().DB.AdminSplit(ctx, restoringSubspan.Key, expiration); err != nil {
log.Warningf(ctx, "failed to split during experimental restore: %v", err)
if _, err := execCtx.ExecCfg().DB.AdminScatter(ctx, restoringSubspan.Key, 4<<20); err != nil {
log.Warningf(ctx, "failed to scatter during experimental restore: %v", err)
firstSplitDone = true

// If we've queued up a batch size of files, split before the next one
// then flush the ones we queued. We do this accumulate-into-batch, then
// split, then flush so that when we split we are splitting an empty
// span rather than one we have added to, since we add with estimated
// stats and splitting a span with estimated stats is slow.
if batchSize > targetBatchSize {
if err := flush(file.BackupFileEntrySpan.Key); err != nil {
return err

// Add this file to the batch to flush after we put a split to its RHS.
toAdd = append(toAdd, file)
batchSize += file.BackupFileEntryCounts.DataSize
return flush(nil)

// sendAddRemoteSSTs is a stubbed out, very simplisitic version of restore used
// to test out ingesting "remote" SSTs. It will be replaced with a real distsql
// plan and processors in the future.
func sendAddRemoteSSTs(
ctx context.Context,
execCtx sql.JobExecContext,
job *jobs.Job,
dataToRestore restorationData,
encryption *jobspb.BackupEncryptionOptions,
uris []string,
backupLocalityInfo []jobspb.RestoreDetails_BackupLocalityInfo,
progCh chan *execinfrapb.RemoteProducerMetadata_BulkProcessorProgress,
tracingAggCh chan *execinfrapb.TracingAggregatorEvents,
genSpan func(ctx context.Context, spanCh chan execinfrapb.RestoreSpanEntry) error,
) error {
defer close(progCh)
defer close(tracingAggCh)

if encryption != nil {
return errors.AssertionFailedf("encryption not supported with online restore")
if len(uris) > 1 {
return errors.AssertionFailedf("online restore can only restore data from a full backup")

restoreSpanEntriesCh := make(chan execinfrapb.RestoreSpanEntry, 1)

grp := ctxgroup.WithContext(ctx)
grp.GoCtx(func(ctx context.Context) error {
return genSpan(ctx, restoreSpanEntriesCh)

restoreWorkers := int(onlineRestoreLinkWorkers.Get(&execCtx.ExecCfg().Settings.SV))
for i := 0; i < restoreWorkers; i++ {
grp.GoCtx(sendAddRemoteSSTWorker(execCtx, restoreSpanEntriesCh))

if err := grp.Wait(); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to generate and send remote file spans")

downloadSpans := dataToRestore.getSpans()

log.Infof(ctx, "creating job to track downloads in %d spans", len(downloadSpans))
downloadJobRecord := jobs.Record{
Description: fmt.Sprintf("Background Data Download for %s", job.Payload().Description),
Username: job.Payload().UsernameProto.Decode(),
Details: jobspb.RestoreDetails{DownloadSpans: downloadSpans},
Progress: jobspb.RestoreProgress{},

return execCtx.ExecCfg().InternalDB.DescsTxn(ctx, func(
ctx context.Context, txn descs.Txn,
) error {
_, err := execCtx.ExecCfg().JobRegistry.CreateJobWithTxn(ctx, downloadJobRecord, job.ID()+1, txn)
return err

var _ jobs.Resumer = &restoreResumer{}

func init() {
Expand Down

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