Dextop is RIA framework based on Sencha Ext JS and .NET/Mono platform.
Ask any question regarding Dextop at StackOverflow (add extjs tag).
Dextop is available under GPL v3 or Commercial license.
Dextop NuGet is available through the official NuGet channel.
In order to start Dextop Showcase application Ext JS library has to be included in folder 'Apps\Codaxy.Dextop.Showcase\client\lib\ext'.
Ext JS can be found at Sencha's website.
- Simple remote procedure calls using Ext.Direct
- Automatic JSON encoding/decoding (thanks to JSON.NET)
- File upload
- AJAX request handling
- Server notifications by polling or long-polling technique
- Automatic concatenation and minification of js files (thanks to Yahoo.Yui.Compressor for .NET)
- Automatic minification of css files
- Automatic remoting Proxy class generation based on DextopRemotable attribute
- Automatic generation of Ext models based on DextopModel attribute
- Automatic generation of grid headers based on DextopGridHeaders attribute
- Automatic generation of forms based on DextopForm attribute
- Array serialization/deserialization
- Simplified data access interface
- Reflection based models
- Reflection based headers
- Paging helpers
- Powerful form generation engine
- Client and server localization support
- Localization tool