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Popcorn DAO contest details

  • Total Prize Pool: $90,500 USDC
    • HM awards: $63,750 USDC
    • QA report awards: $7,500 USDC
    • Gas report awards: $3,750 USDC
    • Judge + presort awards: $15,000 USDC
  • Join C4 Discord to register
  • Submit findings using the C4 form
  • Read our guidelines for more details
  • Starts January 31, 2023 20:00 UTC
  • Ends February 07, 2023 20:00 UTC

Automated Findings / Publicly Known Issues

Automated findings output for the contest can be found here within an hour of contest opening.

Note for C4 wardens: Anything included in the automated findings output is considered a publicly known issue and is ineligible for awards.


This protocols goal is to make vault creation easy, safe and all without compromising on flexibility. It allows anyone to spin up their own Yearn in minutes.

Vaults can be created permissionlessly based on any underlying protocol and execute arbitrary strategies. The factory uses only endorsed Adapters and Strategies with minimal user input to reduce complexity for a creator and ensure safety of the created clones. It gives vault creators a quick and easy way to spin up any Vault they need and end users the guarantee that the created Vault will be safe. For some more context checkout the whitepaper

The protocol consists of 2 parts. The Vault Factory and the actual Vaults and Adapters.

Vault Factory

The Vault Factory part consists of a mix of Registry and Execution contracts. All contracts are immutable but execution contracts can be swapped out if requirements change or additional functionality should be added.

  • CloneFactory: A simple factory that clones and initializes new contracts based on a Template.
  • CloneRegistry: A minimal registry which saves the address of each newly created clone.
  • TemplateRegistry: A registry for Templates. Each Template contains an implementation and some metadata to ensure proper initialization of the clone. Templates need to be endorsed before they can be used to create new clones. Anyone can add a new Template but only the contract owner can endorse them if they are deemed correct and safe.
  • DeploymentController: This contract bundles CloneFactory, CloneRegistry and TemplateRegistry to simplify the creation of new clones and ensure their safety.
  • PermissionRegistry: A simple registry to endorse or reject certain addresses from beeing used. Currently this is only used to reject potentially unsafe assets and in the creation of beefy adapters.
  • VaulRegistry: This registry safes new Vaults with additional metadata. The metadata can be used by any frontend and supply it with additional informations about the vault.
  • VaultController: This contract bundles all previously mentioned contracts. It adds additional ux and safety measures to the creation of Vaults, Adapters and Staking contracts. Any management function in the protocol must be executed via the VaultController.
  • AdminProxy: This contract owns any clone and most infrastructure contracts. Its used to make ownership transfers easy in case the VaultController should get updated. This contracts forwards almost all calls from the VaultController.

Note: This system ensures that minimal user input is needed and executions are handled with valid inputs and in the correct order. The goal is to minimize human error and the attack surface. A lot of configurations for Adapters and Strategies is very protocol specific. These are therefore mainly handled in the implementations itself. Adapters should receive all there critical data from an on-chain registry of the underlying protocol. As its nearly impossible to tell otherwise if the passed in configuration is malicious. There is still a need for some kind of governance to ensure that only correct and safe Templates are added and dangerous assets get rejected. vaultInfraFlow

Vault, Adapter & Strategy

  • Vault: A simple ERC-4626 implementation which allows the creator to add various types of fees and interact with other protocols via any ERC-4626 compliant Adapter. Fees and Adapter can be changed by the creator after a ragequit period.
  • Adapter: An immutable wrapper for existing contract to allow for ERC-4626 compatability. Optionally adapters can utilize a Strategy to perform various additional tasks besides simply depositing and withdrawing token from the wrapped protocol. PopcornDAO will collect management fees via these Adapter.
  • Strategy: An arbitrary module to perform various tasks from compouding, leverage or simply forwarding rewards. Strategies can be attached to an Adapter to give it additionaly utility.


Utility Contracts

Additionally we included 2 utility contracts that are used alongside the vault system.

  • MultiRewardStaking: A simple ERC-4626 implementation of a staking contract. A user can provide an asset and receive rewards in multiple tokens. Adding these rewards is done by the contract owner. They can be either paid out over time or instantly. Rewards can optionally also be vested on claim.
  • MultiRewardEscrow: Allows anyone to lock up and vest arbitrary tokens over a given time. Will be used mainly in conjuction with MultiRewardStaking.


Files in scope

File SLOC Description and Coverage Libraries
Contracts (16)
src/utils/EIP165.sol 4 Exposes the contract interface.,   -
src/vault/adapter/abstracts/OnlyStrategy.sol 8 Abstract modifier for delegatecall.,   -
src/vault/AdminProxy.sol 12 Proxy contract that owns a majority of contracts. Allows VaultController to call management functions.,   100.00%
src/vault/adapter/abstracts/WithRewards.sol 12 Abstract for adapters with additional rewardTokens.,   0.00%
src/vault/CloneFactory.sol 17 Creates arbitrary clones based on Templates.,   100.00% openzeppelin-contracts/*
src/vault/PermissionRegistry.sol 24 Endorsement/Rejection registry for arbitrary addresses.,   100.00%
src/vault/CloneRegistry.sol 29 Registers each newly created clone.,   66.67%
src/vault/VaultRegistry.sol 34 Registers all created Vaults and provides aditional metadata.,   60.00%
src/vault/DeploymentController.sol 55 Bundles auxiliary contracts for easy interaction.,   100.00%
src/vault/TemplateRegistry.sol 57 Registry for clone Templates with additional metadata. Templates are used by the CloneFactory,   100.00%
src/vault/adapter/yearn/YearnAdapter.sol 110 Wraps any Yearn Vault in a 4626-compliant interface. Uses AdapterBase.,   96.43%
src/utils/MultiRewardEscrow.sol 🧮 118 Allows vesting of arbitrary token over any time frame.,   100.00% openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable/* openzeppelin-contracts/* solmate/*
src/vault/adapter/beefy/BeefyAdapter.sol 163 Wraps any BeefyV6 Vault in a 4626-compliant interface. Uses AdapterBase.,   80.85%
src/utils/MultiRewardStaking.sol 📤 🧮 🔖 Σ 311 Staking contract with one stakingToken and multiple rewardsToken. Rewards can be paid out instantly or over time.,   100.00% openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable/* solmate/*
src/vault/Vault.sol 🧮 🔖 Σ 426 4626-compliant Vault implementation. Uses Adapter for actual deposits and withdrawals. Allows creator to set fees.,   90.00% openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable/* openzeppelin-contracts/*
src/vault/VaultController.sol 🧮 520 ManagementContract to create new clones, register and endorse Templates or call management functions.,   98.87% openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable/*
Abstracts (1)
src/vault/adapter/abstracts/AdapterBase.sol 👥 🧮 🔖 Σ 405 4626-compliant abstract for all adapter implementations. Holds a majority of the business logic of each adapter.,   95.65% openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable/*
Interfaces (18)
src/interfaces/IEIP165.sol 4 -
src/interfaces/vault/IAdminProxy.sol 5 -
src/interfaces/vault/IWithRewards.sol 5 -
src/interfaces/vault/ICloneFactory.sol 6 -
src/interfaces/vault/IStrategy.sol 7 -
src/interfaces/vault/ICloneRegistry.sol 10 -
src/interfaces/vault/IPermissionRegistry.sol 11 -
src/interfaces/vault/IVaultRegistry.sol 16 -
src/vault/adapter/yearn/IYearn.sol 18 Yearn Interfaces,   - openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable/*
src/interfaces/vault/IAdapter.sol 23 -
src/interfaces/vault/IDeploymentController.sol 24 -
src/interfaces/vault/ITemplateRegistry.sol 25 -
src/interfaces/IMultiRewardEscrow.sol 26 - openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable/*
src/interfaces/vault/IERC4626.sol 28 - openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable/*
src/vault/adapter/beefy/IBeefy.sol 31 Beefy Interfaces,   -
src/interfaces/IMultiRewardStaking.sol 38 -
src/interfaces/vault/IVault.sol 48 -
src/interfaces/vault/IVaultController.sol 64 -
Total (over 35 files): 2694 94.84%

All other source contracts (not in scope)

File SLOC Description and Coverage Libraries
Contracts (5)
src/vault/strategy/StrategyBase.sol 16 0.00%
src/vault/strategy/RewardsClaimer.sol 22 0.00% openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable/*
src/utils/Owned.sol 29 100.00%
src/utils/OwnedUpgradeable.sol 30 40.00% openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable/*
src/vault/strategy/Pool2SingleAssetCompounder.sol 47 0.00% openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable/*
Interfaces (5)
src/interfaces/external/IWETH.sol 💰 5 -
src/interfaces/IPausable.sol 6 -
src/interfaces/IOwned.sol 7 -
src/interfaces/IPermit.sol 14 -
src/interfaces/external/uni/IUniswapRouterV2.sol 💰 158 -
Total (over 10 files): 334 18.97%

External imports

Some of these contracts depend on older utility contracts which is why this repo contains more than just these contracts. These dependencies have been audited previously. Additionally there are some wip sample strategies which might help to illustrate how strategies can be used in conjuction with adapters.

Additional Context

Note: The AdapterBase.sol still has a TODO to use a deterministic address for feeRecipient. As we didnt deploy this proxy yet on our target chains it remains a placeholder value for the moment. Once the proxy exists we will simply switch out the palceholder address.


There are multiple possible targets for attacks.

  1. Draining user funds of endorsed vaults
  2. Draining user funds with malicious vaults/adapter/strategies or staking contracts
  3. Draining user funds with malicious assets
  4. Grieving of management functions

Dangerous Attacks

  • Attack infrastructure to insert malicious assets / adapters / strategies
    • Set malicious deploymentController
    • Get malicious Template endorsed
    • Get malicious asset endorsed
  • Initial Deposit exploit (See the test in YearnAdapter.t.sol)
  • Change fees of a vault to the max amount and change the feeRecipient to the attacker
  • Exchange the adapter of a vault for a malicious adapter
  • Nominate new owner of the adminProxy to change configurations or endorse malicious templates

Grieving Attacks

  • Set harvestCooldown too low and waste tokens and gas on harvests
  • Add a multitude of templates to make identifing the legit template harder in the endorsement process
  • Reject legit vaults / assets
  • Pause vaults / adapters of other creators
  • Predeploy deterministic proxies on other chains

Most of these attacks are only possible when the VaultController is misconfigured on deployment or its owner is compromised. The owner of VaultController should be a MultiSig which should make this process harder but nonetheless not impossible.

Inflation Attack

EIP-4626 is vulnerable to the so-called inflation attacks. This attack results from the possibility to manipulate the exchange rate and front run a victim’s deposit when the vault has low liquidity volume. A similiar issue that affects yearn is already known. See Finding 3, "Division rounding may affect issuance of shares" in Yearn's ToB audit for the details. In order to combat this AdapterBase.sol ignores gifted assets when calculating totalAssets. (To ensure correct functionality of rebasing tokens is the responsibility of the concrete adapter-implementations). Additionally creators can send an initial deposit on vault/adapter creation to create some inital volume.

Scoping Details

- If you have a public code repo, please share it here:  
- How many contracts are in scope?: 36
- Total SLoC for these contracts?: 2728
- How many external imports are there?: 8
- How many separate interfaces and struct definitions are there for the contracts within scope?: 18 interfaces, 10 structs
- Does most of your code generally use composition or inheritance?: inheritance  
- How many external calls?: 21   
- What is the overall line coverage percentage provided by your tests?: 94.52%
- Is there a need to understand a separate part of the codebase / get context in order to audit this part of the protocol?: no
- Please describe required context: -
- Does it use an oracle?: no  
- Does the token conform to the ERC20 standard?: yes  
- Are there any novel or unique curve logic or mathematical models?: no 
- Does it use a timelock function?: yes  
- Is it an NFT?: no 
- Does it have an AMM?: no   
- Is it a fork of a popular project?: no   
- Does it use rollups?: no   
- Is it multi-chain?:  no
- Does it use a side-chain?: no


Quickstart command

export ETH_RPC_URL="<your-eth-rpc-url>" && export POLYGON_RPC_URL="<your-polygon-rpc-url>" && rm -Rf 2023-01-popcorn || true && git clone -j8 --recurse-submodules && cd 2023-01-popcorn && echo -e "ETH_RPC_URL=$ETH_RPC_URL\nPOLYGON_RPC_URL=$POLYGON_RPC_URL" > .env && foundryup && forge install && yarn install && forge test --no-match-contract 'Abstract' --gas-report


Installing Dependencies


forge install

yarn install


Add RPC urls to .env

forge build

forge test --no-match-contract 'Abstract'


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