October Alpha
- Removed global sorting by
- Large items
{"any_domain": {visitCount: visitCount, items: {"any_pathname": {...}, ...}}, ...}
from the domain list have been changed to{"any_domain": visit_count, ...}
- Specific domain items (by pathname) are now loaded only on request
- List of items for 3rd table has been removed from browser storage (now generated from domain list)
- Now each table gets the top 100 items first (saves most of the wasted time when opening a new tab)
- All items are now loaded & replace the top 100 only after first sorting, search, pagination, etc.
replaced withchrome.history.onVisited
- New history items are now stored separately (fixes freezes when opening new a page)
- Redeveloped CSS of table component (affects scrolling & animations)
- Fixed issue causing double request for localization files (saves ~20ms (on SSD) when opening a new tab)
- Favicons are now loaded only by domain name (fixes double loading & caching of the same favicon)
User Interface
- Upgraded Satus
- Added "Compact mode"
- Added drop-down tables with search queries
- Improved styles of drop-down tables
- Fixed pagination in tables
- Scrollbar now moves up when paginating or sorting
- Added extension icons
- Fixed visit counting algorithm
- Search adapted to the latest changes
- Many minor fixes & improvements