To install the package clone the repository into your catkin workspace and build it with catkin build
cd path/to/your/catkin_ws/src
git clone
catkin build
This package includes the a watchdog package that monitors the image mode of the Kinect 360 and reconfigures it to use the correct mode if it is not set correctly. This solves a common bug in our Kinect camera setup on the PR2 robot.
Additionally the meta package contains a bringup package to launch the kinect driver and the watchdog node together. Currently the package works in ROS Noetic.
To launch the watchdog alone run:
roslaunch iai_kinect_watchdog kinect_mode_watchdog.launch
To launch the kinect driver and the watchdog together run:
roslaunch iai_kinect_bringup iai_kinect_bringup.launch
This package is maintained by the IAI group at the University of Bremen.
Current maintainer: Jeroen Schäfer,