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TAT-C Web Application

The web application is built on top of TAT-C to expose analysis functions as RESTful web services, distribute computational load over multiple worker machines using a parallel task-worker architecture (Celery), and provide a browser-based graphical user interface (GUI) with geospatial visualization (Cesium) that allows users to run and visualize results for a subset of TAT-C analysis functions without requiring Python knowledge.

The TAT-C web application contains four major components:

  • Server: hosts the TAT-C application programming interface (API) and graphical user interface (GUI)
  • Worker: executes low-level tasks
  • Broker: coordinates the list of tasks between server and worker(s)
  • Backend: stores completed task outputs

The web application is configured to support the RabbitMQ Broker and Redis Backend.


Cesium Access Token and Assets

The client-side Cesium geospatial visualization requires an access token from After creating an account, you must add the Asset "Blue Marble Next Generation July, 2004" from the Asset Depot (ID 3845) to the account assets to enable visualization.

Paste the access token in a new file named .env (in the app/ directory) with the following format:

TATC_CESIUM_TOKEN=your alphanumeric access token here

The .env file is read by the web application to connect to your account.

Broker and Backend Connection Strings

Unless installing via the "Docker Compose" method below, identify the protocol, credentials (if required), domain name/URL, and port number to connect the broker and backend components in the .env file.

The default values (below) assume the broker and backend run locally.

TATC_BROKER = amqp://guest:guest@broker:5672//
TATC_BACKEND = redis://backend:6379/

Other Environment Variables

The web application references the following environment variables, typically loaded from a .env file.

  • TATC_BROKER: broker connection string (default: amqps://guest:guest@broker:5671//)
  • TATC_BACKEND: backend connection string (default: redis://backend:6379/)
  • TATC_LOGIN_LIFETIME_SECONDS: time until reauthentication required (default: 7200 seconds)
  • TATC_SECRET: cryptographic security secret phrase (default: change me)
  • TATC_ADMIN_EMAIL: administrator account email (default:
  • TATC_ADMIN_PASSWORD: administrator account password (default: admin)
  • TATC_CESIUM_TOKEN: Cesium access token

Installation and Usage

Due to the architectural complexity and dependencies for the parallel task-queuing system (Celery), we strongly recommended using Docker containers to install and run TAT-C.

Method 1: Docker Compose (Recommended)

Docker Compose can build and operate all four application components (server, worker, broker, and backend) locally from one command. It is suitable for individual workstation use because it does not rely on network access between components.

From the project root directory (/), build and run the Docker compose file which provides the server, worker, broker, and backend components:

docker-compose up

By default, the client-side GUI is available at http://localhost:8000/.

Method 2: Docker Containers

Docker containers allow the four components (server, worker, broker, and backend) to run across multiple hosts. Individual containers can be combined with other services such as reverse proxies to secure connections over the Internet.

The broker and backend services can use the third-party Docker images rabbitmq and redis, respectively. Specify the connection strings for both in the .env file as described above.

For the server application, first build the tatc_server Docker image from the project root (/).

docker build --target tatc_server --tag tatc_server .

Next, run a Docker container for the server application (this example maps host port 8000 to container port 8000).

docker run -it -p 8000:8000 --env-file=.env tatc_server

The client-side GUI is available at http://localhost:8000/. Note that the server needs at least one worker to process tasks.

For the worker application, first build the tatc_worker Docker image from the project root (/).

docker build --target tatc_worker --tag tatc_worker .

Next, run a Docker container for the worker application.

docker run -it --env-file=.env tatc_worker

The worker will connect to the broker and wait for new tasks to process.

Method 3: Python

To use Pythond directly for the server and worker, the broker and backend components must be running already running (e.g., see Docker Container). Specify the connection strings for both in the .env file as described above.

Next, install the additional web application dependencies by installing tatc with the optional app dependency flag from the TAT-C repository:

pip install -e .

To start the TAT-C server application, run the command:

uvicorn tatc_app.main:app --reload --reload-dir tatc_app

The client-side GUI is available at http://localhost:8000/.

To start the TAT-C worker application, run the command:

celery -A tatc_app.worker worker --loglevel=INFO

The worker will connect to the broker and wait for new tasks to process. Note that Celery does not currently support concurrency on Windows. Try using the solo pool option (which does not perform parallel processing):

celery -A tatc_app.worker worker --loglevel=INFO --pool=solo

Development Tools

Development tools are applicable when working with the source code.


Generate documentation from the docs directory using the command:

make html

Code Style

This project uses the black code style, applied from the project root:

black .


Paul T. Grogan


This project was supported in part by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Earth Science Division (ESD) Earth Science Technology Office (ESTO) Advanced Information Systems Technology (AIST) program under grant numbers: NNX17AE06G, 80NSSC17K0586, 80NSSC20K1118, 80NSSC21K1515, 80NSSC22K1705 and 80NSSC24K0575 and NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory contracts: 1074657, 1689594, 1686623, 1705655.