Workspace for a Rust wrapper for SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS. The workspace contains three crates:
- graphblas_sparse_linear_algebra: the GraphBLAS API wrapper for most users
- suitesparse_graphblas_sys: bindings to the SuiteSparse GraphBLAS implementation
- graphblas_sparse_linear_algebra_proc_macros: procedural macros, not for public use
graphblas_sparse_linear_algebra uses the SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS GraphBLAS implementation developed by Timothy A. Davis.
See the suitesparse_graphblas_sys requirements for operating system packages to install before compiling this project.
Awesome, contributions are welcome. Graphblas_sparse_linear_algebra and your contribution may be relicensed and integrated into commercial software in the future. Therefore, you will be asked to agree to the Contributor License Agreement when you make a pull request.
graphblas_sparse_linear_algebra is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 International. For other licensing options, please contact Sam Dekker.