pyenv virtualenv 2.7.9 venv_threadloom
pyenv activate venv_threadloom
If on Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
pm migrate --settings=threadloom.settings
From the main project directory:
- Install node
npm install
Some seed data is provided for initial use
you need to run python loaddata --app forum --settings=threadloom.settings fixture seed.json
from the project directory
###UI You can browse topics, threads, posts and replies. However you can only add posts and replies for now for lack of time. The nested structure logic remains the same. The screenshots will be provided
YOu basically click on topics > threads to browse stuff
###Models and back-end Django models and DRF (Django Rest Framework) was used to build the models. Ability to Follow another user is
currently shows data per day
the web page is at /forum
- dd ability to add topics and thread
- user login/credential system
- Moar tests!! React.js makes UI testing very tractable.
- More UI stuff - can definitely make this prettier.
- More RESTful API.