You might be more interested in developing for
First National Bank Transaction Package.
Use this library at your own risk, I take no responsibility what so ever for the use of it!
This script logs into your FNB bank account and pulls all your transactions and puts in a pretty php array.
Because pulling a full history of my accounts daily allows for a more creative approach to banking and invoicing.
First national bank was announced the most innovative bank in the world. The next step in the banking evolution would be to have APIs built into our banking systems.
Probably not very long, its based on the structure of the HTML pages so if FNB change there website to much - this script will fail miserably. So I would not go building complex systems around it. Thats what APIs are for.
At the time of writing, I have not found anything in FNB's terms and conditions regarding automated login. I will however remove this repository if requested to do so.
The very, VERY first thing you do is login to FNB as per usual and create a second READ ONLY user for use with this script. The reasons for this are obvious.
Then use composer to install it or simply include the file somewhere:
$fnb = new Fnb\Fnb(
'username' => 'readOnlyUser',
'password' => 'readOnlyPassword',
'verbose' => false,
'write' => false
print "<pre>"; print_r($r); print "</pre>";
Ask me on twitter if you have any questions: @codeChap