doesn't currently make it possible to hook onto the action on a Scene
navigation event, which makes it impossible update a Scene
purely based on
navigation. Instead a Scene
is currently only rendered if the props
provided to the scene are changed, which is not always possible or convenient.
This module implements a reducer for the navigation state in which it is
possible to indicate which scene components would like to have a method
) called when a Scene
is change/update according to a Scene navigation constant.
npm install --save react-native-router-flux-hooks
+import NavigationStateHandler from 'react-native-router-flux-hooks'
+const navigationStateHandler = new NavigationStateHandler()
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
+ createReducer={navigationStateHandler.getReducer.bind(navigationStateHandler)}
+ navigationStateHandler={navigationStateHandler}
<Scene key="root" component={MainComponent}>
<Scene key="root" component={DynamicComponent}>
<Scene key="root" component={OtherComponent}>
This ensures that we can hook on to when navigation actions are fired and
that navigationStateRouter
is available to every scene component.
Next indicate that a scene component wants to have its
method called when the scene is focused:
method called when the scene is refreshed:
method called when the scene is (ActionConst['event']):
NavigationStateHandler comes equipped with hooks for ActionConst.FOCUS and ActionConst.REFRESH.
To handle other events, simply add that event like so:
+const navigationStateHandler = new NavigationStateHandler();
then you can use this.props.navigationStateHandler.registerRESETHook in your component..
note: hook name is always "register${ActionConst['eventName']}Hook" and
handler "handleNavigationSceneF${ActionConst['eventName']}"
class DynamicComponent extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
const registerHandler = `register${ActionConst['event']}Hook`;
+ this.props.navigationStateHandler.registerFOCUSHook(this);
+ this.props.navigationStateHandler[registerHandler](this);
componentWillUnmount() {
const unregisterHandler = `register${ActionConst['event']}Hook`;
+ this.props.navigationStateHandler.unregisterFOCUSHook(this)
+ this.props.navigationStateHandler[unregisterHandler](this);
handleNavigationSceneFOCUS() {
+ this.setState({ date: "load new data" })
And finally implement in your appropriate handleNavigationScene
handler the functionality you need :)
Pull-requests welcome!