This Magento 2 module extends your shop with the possibility to automatically translate CMS pages, CMS blocks, products, attributes, ratings and categories with the help of DeepL API.
A DeepL API Key is required and can be created here
Currently Supported Languages:
- German (de)
- English
- French
- Italian
- Spanish
- Dutch
- Polish
Magento CE > 2.2.5
Go to Magento 2 Root Folder and execute following commands as web user (mostly www-data).
composer config repositories.aromicon_deepl vcs
composer require aromicon/module-deepl
bin/magento module:enable Aromicon_Deepl
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento setup:di:compile
bin/magento cache:enable (only needed, if caches were enabled before)
Go to your Magento 2 root directory and create a folder app/code/Aromicon/Deepl. Extract Archive to this folder and execute following commands as web user (mostly www-data).
bin/magento module:enable Aromicon_Deepl
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento setup:di:compile
bin/magento cache:enable (only needed, if caches were enabled before)
Aromicon Deepl Translation Configuration can be found under Stores > Configuration > Aromicon > Deepl Translate
First, you need to Specifiy your Default Storeview, this is your storeview where you normally add your content ind your default language.
Second, you need to enter your API Key provided by DeepL Pro.
You can also configure, which fields should be translated by default for CMS Pages, Products and Categories.
All translation will be added per storeview. The target language will be recieved from your storeview locale settings.
Goto Content > CMS > Blocks
and open the block, you want to translate. At the edit form on top right corner,
there will be a new Translate Button. Select the Storeview, where the Block should be translated and copied.
By Default the block will be copied to selected storeview and the Title and Content will be translated.
Goto Content > CMS > Pages
and open the page, you want to translate. At the edit form on top right corner,
there will be a new Translate Button. Select the Storeview, where the Block should be translated and copied.
By Default the page will be copied to selected storeview and the Title, Url Key, Meta Information and Content will be translated.
All Magento 2 Attributes can be translated, but only the Store Labels will be translated. If the attribute is a dropdown or multiselect attribute, without a custom source model, the option walues will be translated as well.
Goto Stores > Attributes > Product
and select the needed attribute. Use the translate button on top right corner.
Name, Page Title, Content, Url Key and Meta Information will be translated on Categories. If you open a Category you will see the Translate button on top right corner. Translated Content will be copied to the selected storeview.
By Default Name, Short Description, Description, Url Key and Meta Information will be translated. You can also configure all attributes of type text or textarea to be translated as well. Just go to your Product Edit View and hit the Translate Button for your desired storeview. Translated data will be copied to selected storeview.
Product Reviews can be translated too. Just go to Marketing > User Content > Reviews
and open a review,
then select a storeview from the Translate Button.
You are looking for Batch Translation from Backend or Console? Try our Aromicon Translate Pro Magento 2 Module
Pull request, issues and features are always welcome.
We ❤ Magento.
Made by aromicon