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TrenchBroom Loader for Godot

Made as an alternative to Qodot, using much of the same map parsing code using the original libmap and a modified C++ port of it.

Why not Qodot?

Qodot is great! It works really well. I initially made TBLoader because I wanted to try several different approaches to creating meshes, including creating a bunch of CSGMesh3D inside of CSGCombiner3D, but that ended up being problematic.

When I originally made this, Qodot didn't officially support Godot 4. So I decided to take on the challenge and rewrite most of it in godot-cpp mostly for fun. Nowadays, Qodot has a version available which does support Godot 4:

If you're already using Qodot, there might not be a lot of reasons for you to use this. It is not backwards compatible with Qodot, and does a few things differently.


There are some other alternatives, as well:


To install TBLoader, you can either install it through AssetLib (search for "TrenchBroom Loader"), or by downloading a release from Github and extracting it to your project's addons folder, so that you have a structure like this:


You might have to manually enable the plugin from your project settings. In the Godot editor, click on Project -> Project Settings, and go to the Addons tab. Check the "Enable" box next to TBLoader.

To build a level's geometry, create a TBLoader node in your scene hierarchy. In the properties of the node you can select where your .map file is located, plus some more useful settings. With the node still selected and the 3D view open, you will see a button Build Meshes in the toolbar the 3D view. Click that button to build the geometry.

TrenchBroom game config

The tb-gameconfig folder contains a game configuration for this addon. This includes a simple FGD which will have some common entities that create Godot nodes. Simply place the files in a folder called Godot inside the games folder of your TrenchBroom installation, so you would have games/Godot/<files>.


The following brush entities are supported by default:

  • worldspawn and func_group: Mesh instances and collision shapes
  • area: Area3D

The following point entities are supported by default:

Custom entities

You can make custom entities as well. This works by loading and instantiating a PackedScene object based on the class name. For example, the class name foo_bar_foobar will try to load one of the following in this order:

  • res://entities/foo_bar_foobar.tscn
  • res://entities/foo/bar_foobar.tscn
  • res://entities/foo/bar/foobar.tscn

The first resource it finds will be loaded and instantiated. The root for this (res://entities by default) can be changed in the TBLoader node properties.

Any properties set on the entity will be set directly on the instantiated node using _set and _get. The getter is used first to determine the type of the property.


To see your textures in TrenchBroom, navigate to Preferences -> Godot -> Game Path and set it to your project's root directory. TrenchBroom will be able to see textures in your project. TBLoader will look for your textures in the res://textures directory. If you have a material (rust.material) in the same folder and with the same name as your texture (rust.png), TBLoader will load your material instead.

Note: This currently only works with textures in .png format, and materials in .material or .tres.


On all platforms, the build process is the same. Make sure scons is installed, and then just run scons target=template_release to build.

On Mac, the process is the same, but you will have to codesign and notarize your resulting binary as well if you want it to run on consumer hardware. To do this, you need to already have the notary tool configured on your machine (you need a keychain profile), and then run:

$ codesign -s "Developer ID Application: Your Name (1234567890)" libtbloader.macos.universal.dylib --timestamp
$ zip libtbloader.macos.universal.dylib
$ xcrun notarytool submit --keychain-profile "Profile Name" --wait
