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kobenguyent edited this page Mar 14, 2025 · 8 revisions

This is the guide for maintainers:

Release Process

  1. Pull the latest changes from main branch for release stream e.g. 3.x
  2. Create a release branch and switch to it by npm run prepare-release
  3. Verify version in package.json
  4. Go through the commits for the new release that technically printed on the console log at step 2 and add them to the
  • Changelog should be written for humans (not for robots).
  • Use simple wording explaining what the change is, how to use a new feature (maybe with a code example) and mention the related issue.
  • When using #123 a link for issue #123 will be automatically added.
  • A contributor must be mentioned. We use GitHub names with @ prefix. A link to user profile is automatically added.
  1. Run ./runok.js docs to build documentation
  2. Commit all changes, push and create a PR
  3. Check that all tests pass and merge your PR, ref PR ->
  4. Run ./runok.js release to publish latest release. The website will be updated.
  • To update version for patch release: ./runok.js release patch
  • To update version for minor release: ./runok.js release minor
  1. Post announcements in Twitter & Slack

Updating the website

  • Run ./runok.js docs:helpers to build docs from helpers
  • Run ./runok.js publish:site to update a website