- This application was designed to inspire users like yourself to get out and explore the many different running places around the Austin, Texas Metro Area.
- The application will display a sidebar on larger platforms. However on smaller screens you will see that only the map with markers will appear.
- When you click a marker, you will see more detail about the running spot and a photo highlighting the location using Foursquare API
See the live version here https://codechad.github.io/atx-trail-plot
JQuery JS files were downloaded and sourced from http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.2/jquery.min.js and the KnockoutJS file sourced from http://knockout.js and the files were saved to the Atom application.
Foursquare API at http://www.foursquare.com/developers/app
Google Maps API https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key
Map color created using Snazzy Maps http://www.snazzymaps.com
CSS Minimizer http://www.cssminizer.com
Bootstrap v4.3.1 http://getbootstrap.com