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A simple package that makes working with Chakra UI and Formik cleaner and easier.


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Simple package that makes working with Chakra UI and formik together -- easier. This package uses UI form components from Chakra UI and turns them into controlled components using formik state. The styling of the components is 100% extensible. The package does not add additional style on top of the Chakra UI styling.

Key features

  • Cleaner code
  • 100% extensible styling
  • Some caveats from using Chakra UI components and formik together are handled
  • Possibility to add formik validation functions as props to the form components
  • Reusability
  • Floating label


The main motivation behind this package was to minimize the repetition that happens when working with forms with Chakra UI and the usage of FormControl. That, together with the repetition of useField when working with formik brought this project to life. Example:

Before chakra-fields:

import {
} from '@chakra-ui/react';
import { useField } from 'formik';

const [fullNameField, fullNameMeta] = useField<string>('fullName');
const [ageField, ageMeta, ageHelpers] = useField<string>({
    name: 'age',
    validate: (value: string) => {
        return Number(value) < 18 ? 'Must be above 18' : undefined;

<FormControl isRequired={true} isInvalid={!!fullNameMeta.error && fullNameMeta.touched}>
    <FormLabel>Full name: </FormLabel>
    <Input {...fullNameField}/>
<FormControl isRequired={true} isInvalid={!!ageMeta.error && ageMeta.touched}>
    <FormLabel display="inline" w="20%">Age: </FormLabel>
        onChange={(valueAsString: string) => {

Looks a little bit too much doesn't it? Let's fix that:

import { NumberInputField } from '@chakra-ui/react';
import { NumberField, TextField } from '@codechem/chakra-fields';

    label="Full name: "
    label="Age: "
    labelProps={{ display: 'inline', w: '20%' }}
    validate={(value: string) => {
        return Number(value) < 18 ? 'Must be above 18' : undefined;

Much better! Everything in one place where it belongs. No more multiple lines of useField and renaming the field, meta and helpers variables. As you can see, even if the signatures of onChange between formik and Chakra UI don't match, as was the case for NumberInput where you have to manually set the value and you kinda loose the purpose of formik, with chakra-fields you don't have to worry about that because it's already handled. No more painful repetition of FormControl, FormLabel, FormErrorMessage and setting isInvalid flag with the same line of code to each input -- now that comes automatically with the chakra-fields components.

Installing chakra-fields

$ npm i @codechem/chakra-fields

Available Components

The following components wrap the standard Chakra UI form inputs with the FormControl component, while handling state, validation and error messages with formik. First see FormControlField.

  • TextField -> wrapper around Chakra UI's Input component. Used usually for text, password, email, date, datetime-local input types. The formik state holds a string value for this field. For styling you can set all style props that you would set on a Input component. See also Chakra UI Input docs.
  • TextareaField -> wrapper around Chakra UI's Textarea component. The formik state holds a string value for this field. For styling you can set all style props that you would set on a Textarea component. See also Chakra UI Textarea docs.
  • NumberField -> wrapper around Chakra UI's NumberInput component. The formik state holds a string value for this field. For styling you can set all style props that you would set on a NumberInput component. See also Chakra UI NumberInput docs.
  • SelectField -> wrapper around Chakra UI's Select component. The formik state holds a string value for this field. For styling you can set all style props that you would set on a Select component. See also Chakra UI Select docs.
  • CheckboxField -> wrapper around Chakra UI's Checkbox component. This component should be used as a single checkbox component. The formik state holds a boolean value for this field. For styling you can set all style props that you would set on a Checkbox component. See also Chakra UI Checkbox docs.
  • RadioGroupField -> wrapper around Chakra UI's RadioGroup component. The group is composed of multiple radio buttons. Use Radio from Chakra UI or RadioGroupField.Item (alias to Radio) as components for the radio buttons. The formik state holds a string value for this field. For styling you can set all style props that you would set on a RadioGroup component. See also Chakra UI RadioGroup docs.
  • InputGroupField -> wrapper around Chakra UI's InputGroup component. The group is composed from one input element (Input/NumberInput) and one or multiple right/left addons/elements. See Chakra UI docs. The difference here is that instead of using the native Chakra UI input element as part of the group, the InputGroupField.Input or InputGroupField.NumberInput must be used instead. The formik state holds a string value for this field. For styling you can set all style props that you would set on a InputGroup component. See also Chakra UI InputGroup docs.
  • CheckboxGroupField -> this is actually a new component and does not wrap any existing Chakra UI component, but it behaves similarly to the CheckboxGroup component. This group consists of multiple choice checkboxes and the component to be used for them must be CheckboxGroupField.Item. The formik state holds a (string | number)[] value for this field. For styling you can set all style props that you would set on a CheckboxGroup component. See also Chakra UI CheckboxGroup docs.
  • FormControlField -> wrapper around Chakra UI's FormControl component. It is used to wrap the previously listed fields. This component does not hold formik state on its own and it expects that there is already a field defined, i.e. state, with the given name in the formik context when used. It is not recommended to be used, it is more for internal use.


The following props can be used on all components:

  • name - required prop and it should be unique in its enclosing Formik Context
  • isRequired, isReadOnly, isDisabled - FormControlOptions that will be forwarded to the FormControl. If we set isInvalid it will have no effect because that prop is set automatically from the formik validation.
  • validate - validation function that formik will use to validate the field
  • label - contents of the FormLabel for the field
  • labelProps - custom props for the FormLabel for fine grained styling
  • labelPosition - where the label would be displayed: before, after or floating. By default is set to before and the label is displayed in the row before the input field/group. floating is not available for groups and CheckboxField.
  • errorMessageProps - custom props for the FormErrorMessage for fine grained styling

NOTE: all style props that we set to the components will be forwarded to their respective Chakra UI component that it wraps. Example: the style props we set to SelectField will be forwarded to Select from Chakra UI, TextField to Input, NumberField to NumberInput, etc.


First there is a need of a Formik Context that will wrap all of the chakra-fields components.

NOTE: Internally the components use useField that expects to be provided a Formik Context and would fail if not provided.

import { Form, Formik } from 'formik';

    initialValues={{} as Values}
    onSubmit={(values: Values) => {}}
    <Form>{/* chakra-fields components go here */}</Form>


import { TextField } from '@codechem/chakra-fields';

<TextField name="username" label="Username" labelPosition="floating"/>
<TextField name="password" type="password" label="Password" labelPosition="after"/>
    label="Date Of Birth"
    min="1998-11-07" // style props are forwarded to the `Input` component
    w="80%" // style props are forwarded to the `Input` component
    variant="outline" // style props are forwarded to the `Input` component


import { TextareaField } from '@codechem/chakra-fields';

    isRequired={true} // field is required (forwarded to `FormControl` as well)
    validate={(value: string) => {
        return value.length < 30 ? 'Comment too short' : undefined;
    errorMessageProps={{ color: 'yellow' }} // forwarded to `FormErrorMessage`


import {
} from '@chakra-ui/react';
import { NumberField } from '@codechem/chakra-fields';

<NumberField name="age" label="Age" isDisabled={true}>

<NumberField name="amount" label="Payment Amount" precision={2} min={0} step={100.50}>


import { SelectField } from '@codechem/chakra-fields';

<SelectField name="year" placeholder="Select year of studies">
    <option value="1">1</option>
    <option value="2">2</option>
    <option value="3">3</option>


import { CheckboxField } from '@codechem/chakra-fields';

    label="Terms and Conditions"
    labelProps={{ display: 'inline' }}
    I agree


import { Radio, HStack } from '@chakra-ui/react';
import { RadioGroupField } from '@codechem/chakra-fields';

<RadioGroupField name="favoriteShow" label="Favorite Show?" colorScheme="green">
        <RadioGroupField.Item value="1">The Office</RadioGroupField.Item>
        <RadioGroupField.Item value="2">Brooklyn 99</RadioGroupField.Item>
        <Radio value="3">Stranger Things</Radio> {/* Either `Radio` or `RadioGroupField.Item` can be used */}


import {
} from '@chakra-ui/react';
import { InputGroupField } from '@codechem/chakra-fields';

<InputGroupField name="salary" label="Salary Amount">
    <InputLeftElement pointerEvents='none' color='gray.300' fontSize='1.2em' children='$'/>
    <InputGroupField.NumberInput precision={2} step={100.50} min={0}> {/* `InputGroupField.NumberInput` must be used, not `NumberInput` from `Chakra UI` */}
        <NumberInputField pl={10}/>

<InputGroupField name="telephone" label="Telephone number">
    <InputLeftAddon children='+234'/>
    <InputGroupField.Input type='tel'/> {/* `InputGroupField.Input` must be used, not `Input` from `Chakra UI` */}


import { HStack } from '@chakra-ui/react';
import { CheckboxGroupField } from '@codechem/chakra-fields';

    label="Chose one or more toppings"
    validate={(values: (string | number)[]) => {
        return values.length === 0 ? 'You must select at least one' : undefined;
        {/* `CheckboxGroupField.Item` must be used, not `Checkbox` from `Chakra UI` */}
        <CheckboxGroupField.Item value={1}>Pepperoni</CheckboxGroupField.Item>
        <CheckboxGroupField.Item value={2}>Pineapple</CheckboxGroupField.Item>
        <CheckboxGroupField.Item value={3}>More cheese</CheckboxGroupField.Item>


WARNING: not recommended for use. Use the above listed fields which use this field internally

import { Input } from '@chakra-ui/react';
import { useField } from 'formik';
import { FormControlField } from '@codechem/chakra-fields';

const [emailField] = useField<string>('email');

<FormControlField name="email" label="Email: ">
    <Input {...emailField} type="email"/>
// access a field value within a given formik context
const formikContext = useFormikContext<Values>();
const { value } = formikContext.values;
// react on a change
const formikContext = useFormikContext<Values>();
const { value } = formikContext.values;

useEffect(() => {
    // do something on `value` change. Ex:
    formikContext.setFieldValue('otherField', value.toUpperCase());
}, [value]);
// or
<TextField name="value" onChange={(e) => {
    // do something on `value` change. Ex:

See also the formik docs for useFormikContext and Formik to see what are the capabilities and how you can use them here.

More examples

The folder /examples contains a React application that has chakra-fields as a dependency. The application displays the same form two times, the difference being that one is built with chakra-fields and the other is built without it. See /examples/src/chakra-fields-example.tsx to see the form built with chakra-fields and /examples/src/native-chakra-example.tsx to see the form built without chakra-fields. The main thing to notice here is the difference in developing the same form with and without chakra-fields.




A simple package that makes working with Chakra UI and Formik cleaner and easier.







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