This is a sophisticated boilerplate that uses React on front-end and Node.js (Express) on back-end.
This boilerplate is empowered by the following technologies:
• Redux
• Redux-saga
• Mongoose
• Material-UI
• Moment
It's a usable CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) app, using todo-s to illustrate that.
Follow the steps below to get started using this boilerplate for your project!
• Node - version >= 7
• npm - version >= 4
• MongoDB - any version
First, clone the repository via git:
$ git clone
Then, install dependencies using npm.
$ cd React-Express-Boilerplate
$ npm install
Start the app:
$ npm start
This command will start the React application and API simultaneously.
Try to add, edit, and delete todos and enjoy all the functionalities provided.