The website was created with jekyll. It's a Ruby gem (library). To contribute:
- Make sure you have Ruby and Bundler installed.
- Fork the repository on GitHub by clicking the "Fork" button.
- Clone the repository to your computer.
- In the repository folder on your machine, run
bundle install
to have the project's dependencies installed.
After that, you can run the following command to preview locally the changes you make on the website:
jekyll serve --watch
Then open localhost:4000 and you should be able to see the site.
Test your changes locally, then push to your GitHub repo and send a Pull Request for review.
###How to become a registered ambassador:
Fill in the form;
Log in to (Remember the social account you use to log in!);
Send a message to using "new ambassador" as subject and specifying the social account used in step 2 to log in to our web site;
Alessandro Bogliolo, who is the overall Code Week coordinator will update the shared Google sheet with the contact information, grant permissions to you on the events site, add you to the mailing list, and notify you;
You can then edit your profile specifying (at least) the country.
###How to take part in “CodeWeek4all challenge”:
Fill in the application form;
Share the unique code with all the teachers in your schooll, and ask them to provide a coding experience in their classrooms during codeweek;
Add the event to the map of CodeWeek events with the code of the school.
###To edit the About page:
- Go to about/index.html
###To edit the CodeWeek4All page:
- Go to codeweek4all/index.html
###To edit Privacy page:
- Go to privacy/index.html
###To edit Website Under Maintenance page:
- Go to sorry/index.html
###To add Resources:
Thank you for contributing.