Technical Meeting Community (TMC) for Code for IBM i. We meet at least once a month for open Q&A and demos done by developers, or by folks showing off something they have worked on.
Seiden Group has typicalled called the meeting Code for IBM i Fridays, that name will remain and we will use that meeting as part of the TMC.
The meeting is a place for people to ask questions. No matter if you're a new or experienced user of Code for IBM i (or any of the extensions defined in the scope), this a chance to you to connect with other users, as well as the maintainers of the extension. We also welcome people to show off new tools they have learned and are also welcome to show things they're working on. The meetings are recorded and meeting summaries will be shared in this repository in the meetings folder.
To summerise:
- We welcome people to ask questions
- perhaps you don't know how something works or you have a feature request - this is the place to ask!
- Anyone can talk about their development environment
- Feel free to show off something you are working on
- The core maintainers of Code for IBM i may give a sneak peek of things being worked on
The meeting is usually an hour long, but sometimes has gone longer for those that want an extended discussion.
To be filled in
The meeting is hosted by Seiden Group and is typically over Zoom. They manage how people are invited to the meeting and currently are the team collecting the summaries.
We tend to talk about these subjects:
- Visual Studio Code
- IBM i
- Code for IBM i (
- Db2 for IBM i extension (
- Project Explorer (
This is not a concrete plan, but the general plan of how the meetings go.
- Introduction
- Open floor for questions throughout the meeting
- Review of questions asked last week
- Occational special guest demo
- Sometimes a sneak preview of new features
We do not yet have a code of conduct. Hopefully we will never need one assuming the conduct is always civil.