About | Installation | Usage | License
A tiny Node.js module to get the first available port on localhost
in a given range.
Handy for avoiding hard-coded port conflicts (EADDRINUSE
) if you frequently spin up more than one local server during development.
Returns a Promise.
Install and require as a standard Node module.
$ npm install --save first-open-port
var firstOpenPort = require('first-open-port')
firstOpenPort(start, max)
- start : Number : begin search at this port
- (max) : Number : optional last port to search before rejecting
Returns a bluebird
Promise that resolves with the first open port or rejects with an error if no open ports are found in the given range.
var firstOpenPort = require('first-open-port')
firstOpenPort(3000, 3100)
.then(port => {
// start a server on that port
.catch(err => {
// do something when no ports are available