This repository is a driver for immudb. to act as a database for GORM.
Clone immudb repository, compile immudb and launch it:
git clone
make immudb
Below see an example on how to get GORM to work with immudb:
package main
import (
immugorm ""
type Product struct {
ID int `gorm:"primarykey"`
Code string
Price uint
Amount uint
func main() {
db, err := gorm.Open(immugorm.Open("immudb://immudb:immudb@", &immugorm.ImmuGormConfig{Verify: false}), &gorm.Config{
Logger: logger.Default.LogMode(logger.Info),
if err != nil {
// Migrate the schema
err = db.AutoMigrate(&Product{})
if err != nil {
// Create
err = db.Create(&Product{Code: "D43", Price: 100, Amount: 500}).Error
if err != nil {
// Read
var product Product
// find just created one
err = db.First(&product).Error
if err != nil {
// find product with code D42
err = db.First(&product, "code = ?", "D43").Error
if err != nil {
// Update - update product's price to 200
err = db.Model(&product).Update("Price", 888).Error
if err != nil {
// Update - update multiple fields
err = db.Model(&product).Updates(Product{Price: 200, Code: "F42"}).Error
if err != nil {
err = db.Model(&product).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"Price": 200, "Code": "F42"}).Error
if err != nil {
// Delete - delete product
err = db.Delete(&product, product.ID).Error
if err != nil {
It's possible open a connection with immudb options to provide more control over the connection or enable some features that are not available by standard DSN.
import (
immugorm ""
opts := client.DefaultOptions()
opts.Username = "immudb"
opts.Password = "immudb"
opts.Database = "defaultdb"
opts.HealthCheckRetries = 10
db, err := gorm.Open(immugorm.OpenWithOptions(opts, &immugorm.ImmuGormConfig{Verify: false}), &gorm.Config{
Logger: logger.Default.LogMode(logger.Info),
Immugorm is able to take benefits from immudb tamperproof capabilities.
It's possible to activate tamperproof read by setting Verify: true
when opening db.
The only difference is that verifications returns proofs needed to mathematically verify that the data was not tampered.
Note that generating that proof has a slight performance impact.
db, err := gorm.Open(immugorm.Open(opts, &immugorm.ImmuGormConfig{Verify: true}), &gorm.Config{})
Time travel allows reading data from SQL as if it was in some previous state.
The state is indicated by transaction id, that is a monotonically increasing number that is assigned to each transaction by immudb Each operation is assigned a transaction id.
db.Clauses(immugorm.BeforeTx(9)).Last(&entity, 1)
This is an experimental software. The API is not stable yet and may change without notice. There are limitations:
- missing support related to altering or deleting already existent elements on schema. No drop table, index, alter table or column
- missing float type
- missing left join
- no support for composite primary key
- no support for polymorphism
- no support for foreign constraints
- is mandatory to have a primary key on tables
- no default values
- order is limit to one indexed column
- group by not supported
- no support for prepared statements
- not condition missing
- no transaction with savepoint
- no nested transactions
- having nor yet supported