Deprecated for structural reasons. See new project.
iOS app for UT Austin's SUREWalk program.
The Students United for Rape Elimination (SURE WALK) is a student government agency partnered with PTS that offers volunteer companionship on your walk home from campus in order to protect the students, provide peace-of-mind when studying late at night, and ensure safety for all.
🎉 The following functionality is completed: 🎉
User login/logout
User signup
User profile
Request rides
- Based on current location
- Geocoding
- Drag to set new location
- Path-to-destination overlay
No Internet connection error
🚫 The following functionality is under construction: 🔨
- Build out profile page
- Ability to add profile picture
- Schedule rides
- Better post-confirmation message
- Driving/walking time to destination
- Expanded menu
- Past rides