In this repo, we will explore problems involving arrays, strings, linked lists stacks and queues.
- FizzBuzz
- Implement
- Compress a string
aaaabbc => a4b2c
- Find the kth to last node in a list
- Check for interleaved strings
- Store IP address in a 4-byte integer
- Find the mid-poing of a singly-linked list
- Remove nodes from a list containing a given value
- Find the longest palindrome in a given string
- Reverse a singly-linked list
- Product array in O(N) without division
Got a problem you'd like us to solve? Email it to us at
If you have an alternative solution to any of the solutions we've posted that is more optimal or uses a different approach, please email it to us at If it compiles and passes our unit-tests, we will feature your solution and give you credit for it.